Chapter Three

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When I was in my wolf form my wolf had a nack for shutting me out. I can't really blame her since I do the same. I remember when I was little I would disapear for hours on end not realizing how much time had passed. My mom used to get so angry with me telling me how I should have better control of my wolf.

But my wolf was her own person, or should I say her own wolf. Me and her fought on every little thing. To say we had a different personalities was an understatement. I was a dominant female and so was my wolf and god knows we had a stubborn streak a mile long and a temper that was worse then the Hulk's. My imprisonment only heightened those things.

But it did change my morality, it twisted it. Now if I see somebody bad? Then they must die. I no longer felt the need to try and reason with somebody evil, I saw it as a waste of time. That didn't mean I killed innocent people, I just didn't see a reason to give evil people a chance. If the rolls were reversed I knew they would kill me, so why not return the favor?

Anyways it was now morning when she let me back in. When she blocked me out it was like I was in a deep sleep or more accurately hibernation. I realized we were at the farm that I grew up at, only a few yards away.

But I forgot- I began.

You did, but the scent can't be forgotten, it's home. She said and I swear she sighed.

I got a burst of energy as I ran up the road to the house. I ran past the tree I would climb, the swing that my brothers and I would fight to swing on, and past the old barn that I would spend hours in helping my dad.

I kept chanting, I'm home, I did it, I'm finally home.

I shifted back to my human form snatching a hoodie off the ground. When I put it on I realized it had claw marks on it. I quickly dismissed it as rough housing between my brothers, to excited to think. I yanked open the door to be greeted by an old ransacked house.

I stood still as I looked around everything was covered in a thick layer of dust. Everything screamed abandoned but I refused to believe it.

I ran outside and saw what I refused to see before. The tree I used to climb was dead, the swing broken, and the barn falling to pieces. The drive way was even uprooted, the grass shin high.

"No, No, No. I'm free, I made it home they're supposed to be here! I made it home." I began yelling.

I ran back inside my child hood home determined to prove the facts wrong.

The ransacked home gave me nothing but disappointment. I smelled everything determined to pick up a scent to at least track them. I got nothing.

The fury built in me. I picked up a broken table leg and started beating the walls causing holes to form. Eventually the table leg broke but my anger didn't ease.

I looked for something else to break and that's when I saw it. A family photograph the frame and glass broken, it was clearly my brothers and parents, the only one missing from the picture was me. They all looked so happy. My brother's had to be 16-18 in this picture I was the yougest. They had a new baby each year and mom probably would had more children but after my birth there were complications and now she can't have any more kids. It went, Jackson, Tristin, Mark, and me. I remeber Jackson being being the 'cool' one, Tristin being the 'bookish' one and Mark being the funny one. All fiercely protective of me.

I focused on there smiling faces. I had to stop being selfish. It had to be terrible for them losing me. I'm not being conceded, a child dieing was hard, but werewolfs had a connection to each other breaking or losing that bond was physically painful. It occured to me that yes, they would be happy to see me and know I was alive. The problem was that I wasn't the same person. I was messed up. Hell I hardly even smiled anymore. I looked up to see my reflection in the shattered glass of the mirrior.

I had scars covering every inch of my body. My face was mostly saved except for a jagged scar along my hair line on the right side of my face that I cover with my hair.

One time when I escaped for a few hours I went into town everybody stared at me strangely. After that I picked up hobo gloves, a turtle neck, and pants with combat boots. It was the perfect look. Nobody could see a thing and the staring stopped. But shortly after my shopping spree the guards found me and drugged me taking me back to that hell hole.

I went closer to my reflection and touched it. I saw my long curly balck hair and vibrant hazel eyes which turned pure gold when my wolf surfaced and turned the white of my eyes pure black. I saw my figure, I didn't have distinctive curves, insted muscle replaced it.

I saw the mangled sweat shirt again in my reflection. The people that came for my family must of done this.

I didn't know if my family was alive but I had to find out. And if they were dead? Then the son of bitches that did it would pay in more than death. And if they didn't die then I just want to check up on them, and kill the people that tried to kill them. I wasn't going stay with them because i couldn't, no wouldn't, take the memory of me they have and ruien it with me. I was broken, like this mirror just not in the same way most people break. But I would warn them that they were in danger.

I remembered this 70 something old lady telling me when I first got to that prison a story about mirrors, she was in the cell next to mine and was trying to stop me from crying. She said that mirrors were portals to a paranormal universe and the person on the the other side was trying to stop us from entering their world, protecting us from the evils of that world. I know that she ment that our lives could be worse, but honestly I couldn't help but feel like I was on the wrong side of the mirror.

It's then that I sensed it, somebody was behind me, just out of the mirrors view. The hand that I had touching the mirror slowly moved to grab a piece of shattered glass out of the frame. It sliced my hand but I barely felt it.

They were a step away and just as they were about to lay a hand on me I spun around grabbed the hand and twisted it so it was behind his back, and just before I plunged the glass through his throat I got an idea.

"Who are you?" I said completly calm. All he did was groan from the pain.

I stuck the mirror into his throat just enough spill a little blood, to show him I wasn't kidding. "Who are you?" I repeated still equally as calm.

"Zander!" He yelled.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"There's bounty for you, I looked up where you lived before you were kidnapped!"

"Who lived here?" I asked checking out his knowledge.

"The West family!" He answered.

"Where are they now?" I asked my last question.

He didn't answer again. "I think you're under the impression that I care if you live or die." I swiftly broke his wrist and applied more pressure making him scream.

"What pack are they with?" I repeated, quickly getting irritated.

"The Lightening Pack! The Lightening Pack ok?! That's all I know." He said.

"Ok." I said and he sighed.

I stabbed the mirror in his neck and released his wrist. I walked away wiping my blood from my cut hand on the sweat shirt.

I looked back once to see him on the ground making gurgling nosies as he choked on his own blood. He had sandy blonde hair and brown eyes with a handsome face that had blood dripping down his chin. He tried to kill me and knew about my family, he had to die. He would of tracked me all the way back to where my family was and used them against me if I didn't.

The bounty on my head was annoying, but understandable. I was there longest living experiment and werewolf or not they wanted me back. But they weren't getting me.

I grabbed the door knob and pulled it open and stood out in the winter air. There was no snow, but the cold still hung in the air chilling me to the bone. I lost the sweat shirt and shifted, and started into the the woods heading for a packs territory. Hoping to get a location on The Lightning Pack.

They couldnt have me again. Or my family. I wouldn't let them.

It was a race against time, whoever found my family first won. And I don't plan to lose.

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