Chapter Two

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That dripping? It was from my drenched hair and the table I'm currently strapped to. I am an experiment. The experiment? The human threshold for pain. I've been here for years.

I'm their oldest subject and I don't mean as in how old I am. When I first came here I was 6. I'm around 24 now. You can do the math. I can't remember my birthday, but I can always tell the time of year by how cold it is. If I'm right, it's winter right now.

Back to the dripping, they tried to drown me by pouring water over my face repeatedly. It when on for hours, only stopping when I was on the edge of death. But then they would just start all over again.

I have long since learned how to block out the pain. I like to think about climbing. Before I was kidnapped I lived on a farm with my parents and 3 brothers. We used to climb the tallest tree to see who could climb the fastest and highest. I can still remember grabbing the hard bark, pushing myself up and up reaching for that blue sky, and my mom yelling for us to be careful. If I concentrate really hard I can even faintly hear my dad's chuckle.

But I knew those days were long over. I'm not an innocent child anymore. But memories like that keep me going. Reaching for that blue sky again.

It has been at least an hour. And its starting to get even more cold, signaling it was night time. I wasn't allowed to know the time for the past year. Apparently, another way to make me go crazy. That didn't stop me from making a good guess though.

I tried tugging at my restraints again. They were snug around my neck, wrists, abdomen, and feet. I could get out of them if I broke my wrist but I couldn't get out of the prison they were keeping me in. Hell, I didn't know where I was. But I knew what was inside. There were two guards outside the door, guards patrolling the halls and outside everybody cells. That was only this floor. As far as I could tell I was in the basement above somebody's house. No not somebody, the good "doctor's" house.

The "doctor" was the reason for all this. Claiming that he must test humans. The problem was he didn't know that I wasn't human. I was a werewolf. You must all be asking about me and needing to change into a wolf. My wolf knows that if we shift we are as good as dead. The reason the "doctor" wants to test humans is that werewolves are taking over and they need to be "stronger". From what I've heard through the years thanks to my werewolf hearing.

Don't get me wrong my wolf begs me to let her out, but I give her a reality check each and everytime and she agrees. I've been in the middle of a hornets nest for years and if I ever give them a inkling of doubt that I'm not human I would be worst then dead.

My pack has never come for me because they think I'm dead. All those years ago when I first came here, they gave me a newspaper ground to my cell for me to sleep on and I saw the article. 'Girl Kidnapped. Body Found in Fire with Kidnapper.' It was horrible finding that I remembered I cried for weeks screaming they would come for me. But they never did.

When I get out of here I don't know where I would go. I thought about going to my old pack but that required that I remember the pack name. I blocked all that out. Not wanting to know anything if they ever realized I wasn't human.

I tested the restraints one more time. It was almost time.

I always tried to escape. That's all I ever did. But as you can tell I always fail. My name was Dodge and I think it suited me pretty well.

But this time was different. It was an opportunity and I would seize it with everything I had.

That's when I heard the screams from outside the door along with people running.

This was it. I snapped my wrist and slipped it out of the restraint and unbuckled the strap around my neck and then the one on my other wrist. Thanks to werewolf gene I healed fast. Now with both hands, I snapped the restraint around my abdomen and feet. I jumped off the table and scanned the room. It was pretty barren except for the hose and two buckets. I sighed, it will have to do.

I learned my fighting skills from here actually. They thought us fighting against each other would break us. And for some people getting the shit beat out of you to the brink of death on repeat worked. And I can understand that. I know the best combat skills here. Studying from the guards and other people here. I used to egg on a fight with the guards to see their techniques. It cost me dozens of scars but now I can fight.

I grabbed the empty buckets and opened the door. There was fire everywhere. People in cells were screaming while guards were running to escape.

When 5 guards saw me step out of the room they charged at me. One yelling, "Don't let her escape! Don't let any of them escape! We can't risk the project! Let them burn!"

Ready? I asked my wolf.

Oh ya. She responded.

I took the two buckets and swung it so it hit one in the face and hit another in the stomach I put a bucket on one of there heads and kneed them hard. I turned to the other two and my smile grew. One ran straight at me and I flipped him so he cracked his head on the cement causing instant death. The one I hit in the abdomen was up but I slammed my hand into his chest and turned his cold heart to mush. The other finally got the courage to take the bucket off his head and I quickly yanked my hand out of the guy's chest and snapped the guy's neck. Going on reflex and remembering how the guards killed. They didn't shove their hands in people, but they did snap necks. The one on the ground still moving I quickly stepped on there neck killing them with a crunch. The last one still unharmed stared at me in horror. I sighed as he began to run. I picked up a bloody bucket off the ground and launched it at his head. His head popped right off. I silently thanked my super strength.

The smoke clogged my sense of smell. The people in the cells were screaming for my help.

If I didn't leave now I had no chance of escaping. I looked around to see that one of the guards had keys, I snatched them. I debated for a moment when I saw a little girl that was my age when I first came here crying in her cell.


They need my help. I said.

WE OWE THEM NOTHING! My wolf yelled.

But they don't deserve to die. I said simply. I blocked out my wolf as I unlocked the cages telling people to run. And run they did.

After everyone was gone I ran for the exit and let my wolf back in. That was stupid. She growled.

No, it was humane. I replied and she shut up. Our humanity was the only difference between them and us.

Care for a run? I asked for the first time since I was 6.

I swear I could feel her smile, something that has been lost for ages. I glanced back and saw guards chasing me I waved to them before I jumped and shifted in mid-air.

My wolf was happy she had control for the first time in years. I ran for ages.

When I was on the brink of a city I finally stopped to look at the sign. It said I was in New York. My wolf and I sighed in relief, we were in the right country now we just had to get to the right state. I started to run again. I was free.

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