Chapter Fourteen

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Six Months Later

"Sal I'm leaving!" I yelled to my boss. I work at a bar and it was hitting the five a.m mark and I was supposed to clock out half an hour ago.

I heard Sal from the back shout. "Fine!" I rolled my eyes, Sal was a werido sometimes but if I said I wanted to leave he never argued. I've been working here for about two weeks. I walked to the door of the bar and opened it, I was in New York City, the longest I've stayed in one place since I left.

I tugged my winter coat closer to my body, it was so damn cold here. I made my way to my hotel room which was a hole in the wall. When I got in there I put my key on the bed side table and took my coat off. I rubbed my neck tired from my long day, but I couldn't sleep. I haven't slept hardly since I left. My night terrors have become more then I can handle and I'm scared to close my eyes, afraid I'll never wake up stuck in my endless hell.

I questioned when I should leave, I usually leave within days, but I'm tired of running. I decided that tonight I would write Charlie's letter that I will leave him when I blow this popsicle stand.

Dear Charlie Boy,

Are you tard of that nickname yet? I gotta tell you, I miss a lot of things and I'm tired of running but I have no other option. I know you're at the stage where you hate me or hell maybe you're not even tracking me anymore. Maybe I'm just talking to myself. I gotta say I'm going a little mad. I can't sleep except an hour at a time and the humans are getting closer. I don't think it will be long until they find me.

Charlie I gotta tell you something and I hope to God you get this. I left something for you guys. It's not much but it's the only thing I owned that ment something to me. Go to my old room and pull up the third board from the wall. You'll find it there.

I heard creaking outside my door. It didn't take a genious to know who it was.

Charlie there here. And I'm not going with out a fight. I'm sorry you wasted the last six months of your life looking for me. Don't look for me anymore. Live your life and find your damn mate. And I'm going to be honest with you because this will be the last time we talk.

The door was being knocked down now. I heard men yelling and I clearly heard the 'doctor'.

Charlie, I'm scared. But I'm gonna fight and you better fight for everything you want or I swear to God I'll

The door was broken into knocked off it's hinges. I hid the message in the mini fridge not even having time to finish it.

"So you boys came to play?" I said with a smirk on my face.

I heard the 'doctor' in the back say, "We have guns what weapon could you possibly have to beat us?"

"I thought you understood by now. I am the weapon." And I lunged at them as bullets flew.

Noah POV

I was on the internet, I had dozens of maps surrounding me and empty coffee cups littered my floor. Charlie and I have been searching for Dodge since the moment I found out she was gone.

I scratched my head messing up my hair and stood up in frustration. My brain was fried. I couldn't sleep knowing my mate was out there in danger. I picked up the letter she left me and re read it for the millionth time and everytime it broke my heart.

Dear Noah,

I don't know what to say, except sorry. I'm sorry you got stuck with an emotionless bitch like me. I wish I could open my heart but if I did that I would drown. I don't expect you to understand, but even if I can't feel our connection it doesn't mean I won't act like a mate. In my final act I want to save you, my mate. I know you would do the same if the rolls were reversed. I've heard of people getting second chance mates and I know it's rare but I also know you will get one. You're amazing and I wish I could of stayed to egt to know you, but that was at the price of your life and I can't live with myself if I did.

Until we meet again,


I wanted to find her so I could tell her how much I wanted her too. I didn't care if she didn't feel the connection, she obviously cared about me and that's enough for me. I hated that she left with out me, I would of came with her, I could of stopped her, I could of done something. Everytime we get so close to catching her but we are literally minutes too late.

Every note she left was for Charlie but it was mostly like a diary telling us what's going on in her life. With each letter you can tell she goes a little more mad. And it kills me.

Charlie bursts through the door. "We found her." He told me but he didn't show excitement but fear.

"What happened?" I asked.

"The humans know too." He said.

My wolf howled with rage in my head. "Lets go." I said simply.

It was Joey, Jack, Charlie, and I all packed in to the car. Jack was driving, he has been in a depression ever since Dodge left filled with guilt and he should the stupid bastard.

"Where is she?" I asked.

"New York City." Joey said lacking his sense of humor sense Dodge left, I guess she took a chunk of all us with her when she left.

"It will take to long to get there." I growled.

"The humans are as equally far away as us from where there have been sightings, we should get there in time." Jack spoke.

"We better." I growled.

"We will." Charlie said.


When we got to her hotel room it was a mess. Blood was every where. Charlie bent down to touch it. "It's still wet." Which means we missed them by minutes again. I punched the wall.

Charlie was searching the place. "Charlie if she was captured then I don't think she had the time to write a letter." I told him calmly.

He ignored me and kept searching. He made his way to the mini fridge and looked inside he pulled out a piece of paper. He read it and you can see the pain in his eyes. He shook his head and handed me the letter I read it and it broke my heart. She said she was scared. She didn't deserve this. The letter cut off abruptly before she could say what she would do to Charlie.

"Do you think she's dead?" Joey spoke softly.

"I don't know. They were just supposed to capture her but if she fought to much then..." Charlie said.

"She's not dead." I whispered. Everybody looked at me. "I would feel it."

Everybody noded and Joey said, "So where do we look for her?"

"I don't know." Jack said. I didn't have a clue either but I would find her. Then I would get her as far away from the humans as possible.

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