3: Runaway Princess

Start from the beginning

I sighed in relief, holding my hands to my chest tightly and closing my eyes softly. I breathed in the castles cool air, wondering how long until I would be able to do so again.

I quickly scrambled around the room as the two boys cleared their throats at me and I reached for my dresser, opening it and pressing my hands against the back of it and pushing up until a small compartment was revealed showing my personal diary, that I kept all of my secrets in.

And my delicate necklace, my grandmother had given me that was fashioned with a large oval stone that rested just above my chest. And this stone being the exact same stone that these men needed.

I raised the necklace up in the air, showing it to them. And walked over beside the two, putting it in the hands of Collin who grasped it tightly, grinning rather largely.

“How did you know where it was?” He asked, looking at me.

“I just knew.” I said nervously, looking around the room. I spotted a leg hanging out from under the bed and my eyes widened. I quickly rushed over to the bedside and kicked it back under the bed.

And looked back up to Lance and Collin who were giving my strange looks. I just shrugged it off and sighed.

“You and the princess are lovers, aren’t you? That’s how you knew where the stone was. She probably wasn’t as big as a beauty as they said if she went after someone like you.” Lance joked, walking over to me, hanging his arm around my neck.

I looked up at him in shock, my face turning scarlet, “N-no! That definitely was not it!” I denied, looking at them both, appalled.

“It’s alright, you’ve got a secret lover, we’ve all had one once. Are you sure you want to leave your princess instead of joining us? Or your family, I’m sure they would miss you.” Collin said, looking at me hopefully.

I scoffed at them and rolled my eyes, “No. I’m going.” I said nodding my head to myself. Nothing can stop me now that what I’ve always wanted is right in my hands.

“What’s your name by the way, boy?” Lance asked, while he and Collin trudged out of the room with me following.

“Uh, Ad- Adam.” I said catching myself, remembering that I was disguised as a young man.

It would be hard for me just being a girl going on an adventure like this. But I have to conceal myself as a boy. Which means my monthly menstruating will have to be hidden from these men. They can’t find out that I’m a woman or they would dump me on the side of the road and leave me as fast as they could without a second glance.

They wouldn’t want to risk a dainty girl following them around, and slowing them down. I’m sure they only allowed the psychic to come with them because of her abilities; If she has any, that is.

“Where is your psychic, Ella, waiting?” I asked, as I tried to keep up with their fast walking.

“She’s waiting on horseback on the outskirts of town. Were heading out now and we’ll meet her ther-“

Suddenly, there was a loud clatter of noise coming from a direction behind us. The boys muttered curses under their breathe and began picking up their pace as we reached the outside gates, “I can’t go as fast as you guys, you have to slow down.” I breathed out heavily.

“If you’re going to be traveling with us, you’ll need to be as fit and fast as you can. Now run!” Collin shouted, going into a full on sprint as we left the castle behind.

I ran after them trying to keep up and felt like I was going to collapse if I didn’t stop running right then and there, “W-wait!” I gasped, reaching my hand out for them to hold on.

They skidded to a stop as I bent over holding my hands on my knees and breathed heavily while sweat dripped down my forehead from the heat of the day and the cloak I had on.

“You need to hurry up Adam, they’ve woken up.” Lance said impatiently.

“I can’t run any more. And why does it matter if they’ve woken up or not? They won’t know you were the ones who did it.” I told them, furrowing my eyebrows.

Lance shook his head at me and sighed, “You don’t understand, whether they knew it was us or not. We’re quite known here, and not as some false hero. If you must know we’ve been framed as thieves and drunks, which is false. Maybe we’ve had a drink or two but we’ve never terrorized someone and never stolen anything, from here at least. Well, besides that wonderful stone you’ve given us. Now, let’s go.” He told me grabbing my arm and pulling me along quickly.

Once we reached an abandoned road we started walking slower until we saw a large oak tree that created a cool, relaxing shade.

A middle-aged women rode out on a clean white horse with two chestnut horses following behind her. She wore men’s clothing and had a look of authority on her face. She looked at the three of us and moved passed me without a second glance like she had expected me to be here.

“He’ll ride with me.” She told them indicating me, and handed me a filled waterskin. I thankfully drank it, and thanked her kindly.

Collin and Lance talked to Ella for awhile discussing things, while I relaxed leaning on the trunk of a tree until they told me it was time to leave.

I started to climb up on to the horse until Ella stopped me, “You’ll get blisters if you think you can wear just a tunic while riding a horse.” She told me, pulling out a heavy white clothe that looked like trousers cut off at the lower thigh and went under my tunic.

“This will protect you for a couple times until we get you real clothes.” She said and gave them to me.

I quickly put them on, remembering I wouldn’t be riding side-saddle like I always have. I would be riding like a man from now on.

She helped me up onto the horse and I sat up front as she sat behind me holding the reigns of the horse and we rode off, following Collin and Lance, trotting down the road.

Not expectantly, I felt Ella lean forward, “Why is the little princess going on a mans journey?” She asked, with a hint of amusement in her voice. And leaned back continuing to follow the boys.

My eyes widened and I froze in my seat, how could she possibly know?

Well, you have made it SIR!

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