Chapter 2: Pleasing The Parents

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     The next day, as Jacob began walking with Diana on her way home, Diana reminded herself of what her parents wanted. Give him a chance. Go on a date with him. Her heart was pounding as she awaited the question that she heard every day for the past month.

     "Will you go out..."


     Jacob froze in his tracks as Diana got a few steps ahead of him.

     "Really?" Jacob asked, shocked by the recent change of answer.


     Jacob began walking again and caught up to Diana.

     "Why the sudden change of heart, Diana?"

     "I don't know. My parents."

     "They just want you to find a nice Christian boy, don't they?"


     "My parents are the same way."

     Diana finally felt like she had a connection with Jacob. She still didn't get butterflies and her heart never skipped a beat, but she could tolerate his presence.

     "So does tomorrow night work for you?" Jacob asked eagerly.

     "Yes. That should be fine. Just let me talk it over with my parents first."

     As they finally reached Diana's house, she allowed Jacob to walk her all the way to the door before he turned around to walk home.

     When Diana finally got inside, Katherine was waiting patiently for news of a date.

     "Mom, can I go out with Jacob tomorrow night?"

     Jonathan came into the room and stood beside Katherine.

     "I don't see why not, Diana," Jonathan said placing his hand on Katherine's shoulder, " Just make sure he comes here to meet us before you go."

     Diana felt something in that moment far from what she expected. It was nothing like what her friends described when they went on their first dates. She only had to go on one though.

     "Thank you, Dad."

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