Imagine 16: Darcy Goes To DayCare

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"Time to get ready Darcy!" I yelled across the room while Darcy ate her bowl of cereal while watching cartoons downstairs.

I laid down her clothes on the bed when Harry walks in.

"We need to be out in 4 minutes babe. Can't miss this meeting again, I'm not letting the boys down." Harry walking over to the drawer and put on a white t-shirt.

"Don't worry you will make it." I smile and watch him walk towards me.

"Love it when you do that." He smirks and kisses my lips.

"Do what?" I mumble between kisses.

"Forget it." He rolls his eyes and un buttons my shirt.

"Hey! No! Your going to be late!" I swap his hands away and call for Darcy again.

"Alright later tonight." He winks and opens his arms when Darcy walks into the room and runs towards her daddy.

"Lets go young lady." Harry tickled her while Darcy let out a laugh.

(Walking to the DayCare)

"Why isn't daddy coming with us mommy?" She asked.

"Daddy has a meeting today and I have work so your going to stay at DayCare okay." I smiled squeezing her small hand gently.

"No, I want to stay with daddy. I don't want to go." She began to cry.

I filled out the clipboard with my information as a lady opened the door ready to take Darcy.

"NO! Daddy!" She cried and on held tightly around my leg.

"Darcy you love coming here. Remember your friend Stacy and maddie, there right over there playing." I  bend down to comfort her. She hugs me tightly with her small arms wrapping around my neck.

"Mommy!" She yelled while the lady tried to pull Darcy away from me.

"You have to go baby, it's only for a while okay. I promise daddy will come to pick you up." My eyes started to water just watching her cry.

"Promise it." She said.


(Picking her up)

I texted Harry a few times reminding him to pick up Darcy but somehow the daycare kept calling my phone. They told me to pick her up because it was time for them to close up.

So that made me realize that Harry hasn't picked her up yet.

I drove over there and saw her standing  near the door.

"Mommy!" She ran and I picked her up.

"Where's Daddy?"

"I told him to pick you up but he's not here." I said.

A few seconds later Harry rushes in the doors.

"Sorry I'm late I got held back with traffic," He smiled and kissed me and moved closer to kiss Darcy "Hey my little love bug." He said but she pushed Harry's face away.

"Baby give daddy a kiss." He said to her.


"I'm sorry I didn't come to pick you up first. Forgive me sunshine, I promise not to be late again." He smirked and leaned closer again.

She laughed and didn't kiss him. She just sticked her tongue out at him and kissed my cheek constantly torturing Harry more.

"Darcy." Harry chuckled.


I'm kind of scared for US government and economics. 😁 I was confused with that class Hahahaha

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