epilogue....................part two

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A/n................so I decided for the twins to be a boy and a girl............the boy is nates and the girl is nathans.

The next day..........

Paige pov.........................

Mark, lea, im scared.........I have been keeping my pregnancy from them. I feel terrible, and on top of that, I just know nathan knows something.

Paige.....it will be o.k. you had too. One, we were in a war. And number two, you our the elder leader. Thats why we came here to bless the twins. What were the odds that you have two babies with each of the alphas dna. Lea is always comforting..

We had to make sure we mask there powers until they find there mates. Have you thought of names.

No, I will not do that to nate and nathan. I will let them name the children. I knew the moment I got pregnant, what gender the babies are.

Ladies, its time to go.......I looked to mark. I know he was missing sammy more then lea and I have missed nate nathan and adam.

Yes, lets get to our mates. I held up my hand and opened the portal that will take us back to our mates.

As soon as we stepped through, the whole pack was waiting for us. They through a welcome home party for us.

I saw adam, pull lea into a hug. Sammy ran and flew in marks arms and wrapped hi legs around him. I looked up and saw my men. Identicle smiles stare at me....and in that moment I felt I dont deserve them.

I covered my face and began running to the house crying, I let them down, can you say worse mate ever.

Ii heard nate say shit, and nathan called my name. I ran all the way to our room and stopped at the door. There were rose pedals all over everthing. A table set for three on the padio.

I felt two arms snake around my waist. Well it looks like the cats out the bag now, nathan.

What is all this guys. Is this for me, I say.

Well, it was suppose to be a surprise paige. Why were you crying baby.

I looked at nate and remembered why I was crying.

Umm, I think you too should hace seat. I told them.

They looked at each other, then back at me. Does this have to do with the way you have been acting nathan asked me.

Yeah, and I think you kind of know whats going on with me, nathan, please have a seat.

So I had to go to elder rhelm, not only to precure my spot as queen. But to put blessings on our children.

I looked up and saw that both there jaws had dropped. Now before yo guys get upset, I just would like to explain that it was not my intention to keep this from you. I had to bind there powers and put a blessing on them.

We are having twins, umm...nate, you are the father of our son, nathan our daughter.

I hope ypou guys can forgive me, I had to protect our children from future threats.

I looked to nate and nathan, they both were crying, they got up and walked over too me, they pulled me into there embrace. We can never be upset with you paige, we love you and we completely understand why you had to keep our children from us.

Guys, I didnt keep them from you. I......I, I couldnt continue my sentence, before I broke down crying again. Nate!!!!!! Dont be mean to her, she didnt mean any of it. She loves us, I heard nathan say.

Im sorry paige, we love you too. Lets go, we have your party to get too, and we have good news, for everyone.

Nate pov.......................

When paige got home one month ago and told us that she was pregnant with my son and nathans daughter, I was pissed. But now im comming to understand why she had to keep her pregnancy from us. She had to make it look like she wasnt, she had some kind of spell on herself. She is preety big for six months. She had to bind the childrens power until they turn eighteen, and when they find there mates.

Everything is ok now between us and we all are happy...............................

A/n............so I am going to right a sequel, about paige, nate and nathans children, im not sure of the title yet but I do know that it will start from where I left off of this story, and some of sammy story will be mentioned. Well I will be putting up a description soon........chao, that means bye.

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