zane and lacey trip to her and paige home town

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Part one...................

Private plane in and out.

Zane pov......................

I was in deep thought that i barely heard my beautiful mate call my name, letting me know that we were at the airport.

I looked up toward the board to find the private plane glasier 2 flashing, to let us know there ready for us to board.

It will take four hours for us to reach california.

A/n...., not sure but i dont think i mentioned what state lacey and paige live in......if i did, im sorry but i am too lazy to find out, just use the new one i provide if i did not mention it.

I grabbed our luggage and held on to my sweet baby hand, i immediately felt that spark that happens when we touch, i almost let out a moan of pleasure.

Lacey gasped and her eyes snapped to mine. We have not touched like this since the ball.
She smiled up at me and i swear my heart stopped. This beauty in feont of me will be the death of me.

Come on baby, the plane is this way. As we neared the terminal, my sweet mate surprised me by saying. Ummm........zane, are we going the right way, the plane is right there.
Oh, shes use to commercial...........

I stopped and turned to her, placed each hand on her shoulders. I smirked at her causing her to glare back at me, even that had me wanting her,

I chuckled, baby, we are getting on the twins private plane "right there", i said; pointing to it.

She gasped again, it is luxuriously, she said.

But this is just the outside, i told her, the inside is more elegant.

It has eight areas on the whole plane.

We walked the cat walk to the plane, we walked out the doors leading to the plane. I cant wait to get on this plane, im going to make her mine.

I already had my private room set up.

We stepped on the plane after climbing the many stairs of the huge structure. The first thing my baby notices are the cockpit with its plush brown seats, controls from ceiling to the floor. A call phone in front of the control box.....leading into the dining area, that has brown and cream walls, a white table: with plate, bowl, glass, and silverware settings. Surrounding the table were leather gray chairs. There is a spiral staircase leading up to the bedrooms. And two statues of a man, i dont know, was at the bottom of the stairs, and one at the top.

I pulled lacey through the plane giving her a tour. The siting area was more elegant then the dining area.

There were white plush couches along both sides of the plane walls,.lined with gold and white pillows, leading up to the serving area, where the food and drinks were prepared.

I then pulled her to the bathroom area, this area is used for guests who is not occupying the main have a instep shower,marbled covered floor and sink. White and hreen toilet tops, and a green towel warmer.

She was in delight, every room we visit she become more excited.

I pulled her to the guest bathroom, we stepped in and she stopped halve way in.

Wow!!!!!!!! She exclaimed. I have never sewn a bathroom like this.

This is nothing, wait till she see the ensuite one. This bathroom has a instep shower....marble covered sink and floor. White and green toilet top, and also a green towel warmer.

If you thinl this is beautiful, wait till you see the other one, i whispered in her ear.

Really, didnt think it would get better.

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