the elders

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Sorry for some reason, my pictures keep getting pushed out.

Mark POV...........

After sammyy and I mated and I asked him to marry me, we became very busy.

Zane and laney came back, mated. Everybody was happy for them.

Everyone was settled and happy. Paige was still not well but woke. The alphas stayed with her when there was no pack work to be done.

We were all getting ready for a battle.

Lea came back, she was with the fates. She still have not found her mate yet. She called a meeting with I and pg, and that's where we are, in pg room.

Paige POV.

So do you know where they are holding my brother.

Yes pg. Lea said, he's in a holding cell close to Lucifer home.

I shuttered in my skin, remembering that same home I was being held in.  Ok how do we get him out, I asked.

I have two informants, they know his schedule, one is guard to your sister. The plan is to have those two on shift the time he is off doing god knows what. He is usually gone for two days, and take a lot of people with him leaving only a handful behind. These are the ones that will help us.

Mark will make a portal, while lea Wii take some of my pack warriors to get them out.

The guard that's guarding the cell is a demon. I'm not suppose to say, but lea he's your mate.

Lea POV.............

I gasped, and threw my hands over my mouth. My mate is a demon. What if he rejects me, and kill us all I said to pg.

Don't worry lea, he won't. He is confused about working for Lucifer. He wants out, and this is what's going to get him out.

If this plan fells he will be killed.

I sobbed while mark pulled me into his arms. Once I finished I said, well let's not get caught, and we need rest, this will happen first thing tomorrow.

Paige POV..........

Do me a favor, tell the alpha brats to come in.

Hey, we heard that the twins said together, as they walked in.

Mark and lea laughed and walking out, earning a glee from my mates.

Paige, just because you are our elder doesn't mean you can ridicule us, we are still your alpha, and you our Luna, they said sitting on either side of me kissing there marks.

I had intensified since I got my powers back.

Calm down you two, I was playing, it was just a joke.

You are my brats who I adore and love.

Ok, what's the plan paige, are you going with them.

I blinked at them, its so cute when they talk at the same time. I smiled at them.

No I'm not well enough, and I refuse to be in relm any time that I don't have to be. Lea and mark will handle everything, so have you picked five of the best pack warriors you have.

Yes will they be safe. They will be, and can you let them know not to kill the gaurd that's guarding my brother. He's lea mate, he will help when he sees her.

Nate spaced out, I'm guessing to tell them its done.

Paige we have something to tell you, but when you get well.

Ok.. I wonder what it is. Its probably about them sleeping together. Awww they think I'm going to leave them.

Well I'm going to play a little trick on them. They are going to be so mad.

I will actually have my full strength in two days. I didn't tell and one but my full power will come when en I am fully mated with the twins.

They will have powers two, they will have fire and water.

Sammy will have earth and air.

Leas mate will be able to control and see spirits, as well go to other planes.

We will have to train them starting in two days. I'm really looking forward to this.

So let's get to bed. The twins undressed, they slid in the bed with just there boxers on, they are well built and not tiny in certain areas *wink* * wink*. Lol.

I am going to have fun with these to specimen of man and wolf.

They put one arm over me, making sure to touch each other as well, I think thats hot. Man they are turning me on.

Umm.... I need a shower, I tell nate.

In the morning baby, I'm too tired nathan said. Fine I said.

I will just have to deal with it. And I fell asleep to there soft breathing.

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