the phone call

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Damn, what was the problem with me not putting my gun in a storage box. I was on a private plane and i am a licenced body guard.

I would never hurt anyone, intentually.

I walked up to my room after being in jail all night. I flopped on my bed thinking about all that just happened. I cant believe the alphas switched my duties, now i have to watch there lite brat mate.

Damn my life is so jacked up. First i have to leave a girl i was falling for, then i get thrown in jail now this, things definately cant get worse then this.

At that moment my cell rang, i looked at the number and smiled,

Well hello geourgeous, i said to paige. Didnt think i was ever going to here from you again.

Umm, i tried calling you yesterday, why didnt you answer, she asked me.

I cleared my throat, well i was in jail.

There was silence at first, zane; what did you do.

I umm....... wouldnt put my gun in a storage, i laughed and she smacked her lips. Well you were in the wrong, its a procaution zane.

I know, i know, paige. So what do i owe the pleasure for this call.

Well, i read your letter and i just waNted to tell you that i believe you and that im comming.

Oh, good, cant wait to see you. Im so sorry about everything paige, o.k.

Yes im good, and ill see you next week zane.

O.k. paige, take care. I hung the phone up. I felt so much better, i talked to my friend and she is not mad at me. She knows what i am, and she is comming to the ball. All is well in the world, but i still have to watch the bratty luna when she comes.

the alphas ballWhere stories live. Discover now