the alphas ball is today

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Zane, nate called me into his office. I will need you to be at the ball at all times.

Alpha nate, im suppose to pick up paige and her friend.

I know, but you are my best warrior and i need you. Have chris and his mate to pick them up. She will understand.

Yes alpha, if you will excuse me I have to find chris and get ready.

Damn first they made me miss picking up paige at the airport and now this. She gone be pissed,  i promised her. Well here goes nothing.............

Paige, man her voice is beutiful. I hope my mate  voice is beautiful.

Zane, i came from my stuper and said bad news paige,

Wait dont tell me, you are not picking us up.

You promised, she said. I know, i know. The alphas have me on full alert, rember what i told you about the rogue king.

Yeah she said, there uncle. What about him.

Well we heard from one of our spies that he is planning to take the twins mate, or should i say luna. So thats why, sorry baby ill see you when you get here though. Chris is picking you up.

O.k. im good...see you there, and she hung up. They really need to get rid of there damn uncle, hes way to unstable.


Nathan, are you ready to meet our mate, i asked my twin.

You better believe it. Im been ready since we were born.

Nathan, we didnt know nothing about finding a mate when we was born. I walked over to him and kissed his cheek and glanced at his tie.

It was not right so i fixed it for him. He smirked at me and kissed my cheek back. You know we have to tell her our secret. He said.

I nodded my head and said yeah, i planned on it. But lets just find her first o.k. yeah, im so nervous.

Me too brother,we are finally going to find our other half.

We walked down to the hall where the ball is. Looking preety good. There was a long buffet from one one to the other. A live orchestra. The walls were littered with rolls upon rolls of chairs, leaving the middle open for dancing.

There were chandeliers all over the  ceilings. All we need is our mate.

Lets start greeting people.

I see chris walking towards us witha puzzled look on his face.  Is there a problem.

Si yes, i think the two of you should come outside, its about zane and the girls i picked up for zane.

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