Chapter 48

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Authors P.O.V

Luna and Jon went to the dress shop and looked for clothes to wear to April's wedding. "Have you found anything?" Luna said looking through dresses. "Yeah, here" Jon said walking up to her with a all black suit. "Oooh, that's nice" she said looking at the suit feeling the fabric, "It'll go great with her theme" Luna smirked. "Theme?" noon asked, "Her colors are black and well, pink" she laughed.

"You like this?" Luna said pulling out this long black lace dress. "That's um, cool" Jon said with a confused look on his face. "Cool? I need to teach you how to talk fashion" Luna laughed. "Talk fashion? really babe" Jon said. "Just kidding my love" she kissed his lips, while they were kissing Jon grabbed her ass and have it a squeeze. She squealed, "Jon!" she pulled away. "What?" he said with a grin. "We're in public and the last time you put her hands on me I became pregnant" she laughed looking back at dresses.

"Can you have sex when you're pregnant?" he asked her, "I think you can, I'll look it up" she said all looking at dresses. "The has to be yes" Jon groaned. "Weirdo" she laughed. "Found one!" she said, "Finally! let's go. i'm tired" Jon said stretching his arms out. "We've only been here for 20 minutes, chill" she said waking to the cashier.

After Raw, Luna headed back to the hotel by herself. "Ugh, i'm so tired" she said to herself. She sat on the couch and turned the TV on. She got a text message from another blocked number.

Luna's P.O.V
"Another blocked text" I said clicking on my phone. "Not this again" I said.

I know where you are, can't wait to see you soon Luna. we have much to catch up on baby. Get use to being around Ambrose. And I can't wait to meet your baby.

"This has to be Renee" I said grabbing my rental car keys and barged out the room. I drive back to the arena to see if Renee was still there. After I parked my car and walked around the arena to try and find that rotten bitch.

I spotted her talking to Dolph and Ryder. They both walked away as soon as they saw me, I can tell they saw my face which was fuming with anger. She turned around and I slapped her in the face, she fell to the ground and held her cheeek I pulled her up from her short crusty hair and pinned her to the wall.

"You better stop sending those fucking texts!!!!!!" I screamed in her face, I had to remember that I am pregnant and can't be fighting dumb whores. "What are you talking about?!?" she said struggling to get out of my grip. "You know what I mean! why are sending texts like you're gonna murder me!" I screamed, the whole locker rooms surrounded us.

"I don't even have your fucking number! why would I send you text messages say things like that?!??" she screamed in my face. "Hey!!! Luna?!" Jon said running up behind me and pulled me back. "What the hell is going on?!" he said looking at me then to Renee. "She's sending my threats on text message!!!!!!" I yelled at him.

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