Chapter 47

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Month 4 Of Luna's Pregnancy

Author's P.O.V
(continued from last chapter)

Luna stood there still in shock of the text message sent to her, "Who the hell is doing this?" she said to herself. "Who's doing what?" Jon said causing her to jump, "Wha- Oh nothing, just my twitter is acting up" she lied through her teeth. "Oh, ha thank god I don't use social media like you babe" he chuckled kissing her forehead.

"Guess who's birthday is coming up!" Jon smiled looking down at Luna, "I know, I know. you don't have to get all crazy that I'm turning 26" she laughed. "I meant Kendrick Lamar's birthday" jon said with a serious face, Luna's smile turned into a grown "Oh" she said looking down at her stomach. "Just kidding babe! of course I'm gonna make a big deal about your birthday!" Jon smiled jumping up in down in his spot, "You goon!" Luna laughed.

"Come on let's get back to hotel and rest for a while" jon said putting his arm around her shoulder.

"Sounds good but first can we-"

"McDonald's?" Jon said as if he knew how her question was gonna end.

"Yas!" she smiled.


"Don't forget tomorrow, we gotta go pick out clothes for April's wedding" she said putting her bag down on the couch. "Okay, sounds good" Jon said bringing Luna her bag of McDonald's.
"Thanks babe" she said eating a frie, "Anything for the little guy in there" he said pointing at her stomach. He sat down and lied his head on her legs, "You mean girl" she giggled eating a chicken nugget, "No I meant guy" Jon smirked.

"Mmhmm" she grinned.

"Yup, guy" Jon said squinting his eyes at Luna making a serious face, she couldn't help but laugh at his face. "You're so damn cute babe" she lauded kissing his lips. "You're cuter my darlin" he said in between kisses.

She pulled away, "Ugh, i'm so tired" she said throwing her trash away. "Here" job said getting up and making the bed for her so she could sleep. "Awe" she said sitting down abs lying her her head on the pillow. "Thanks baby" she smiled getting comfy, "Welcome, goodnight darlin" Jon kissed her cheek. "Goodnight My Lunatic" she said before drifting off to sleep.

2:56 am
Luna's P.O.V

"Mama! Mama! help! I need you" a little girl screamed at me while a man dressed in black was carrying her and running off. I ran as fast as I could chasing the man, "I'm coming baby!!!!!!!!" I screamed running down the street, it was midnight and a man had broke into our house here in Vegas.

He had shoot Jon and killed him, them he took our 2 year old daughter and ran off with her. He stabbed me in the leg 3 times but I still managed to run after him down the empty street. He had stopped and turned to me, He held the gun to my baby girls head. "You know how long I've waited to see you Luna?! it's been 12 years since we last hanged out. You rejected my texts and the flowers I've sent to you over the last 3 years!!!!!" the man said in a deep voice. "Who are you?!?!!!!!!!" I screamed. After that he pulled the trigger and Bam! everything went white.

End Of Dream

Authors P.O.V

Luna woke up screaming and was really sweaty, that nightmare had got to her. Jon jumped up, "Luna!! what's wrong! is it the baby?!?" he said jumping out of bed, and getting his phone. Luna, had stopped and looked around, she looked at her stomach and sighed with relief. "It was just a dream" she said wiping the sweat off her face.

Jon gave her a cup of water, she drank it slowly "What happened?" Jon asked sitting next to her for comfort. "It was just some crazy dream, this guy broke into our house in Vegas and we had our little girl and be shot you in the chest and killed you, then he took her and stabbed me while I was still on the floor with you. I chased all the way down that empty street and he stopped, he pulled the trigger and that's when everything went white." she explained.

"Damn, and that caused you to wake up screaming?" Jon asked with a worried face. "Yes" she sighed looking down at her hands, twiddling them around slowly. "It's okay baby, as long as I'm here I'll always have your back no matter what" Jon cupped her cheeks with his hands. She smiled and kissed his lips, "Let's get some sleep we got a show tomorrow" he said laying down on his side of the bed.

Next Morning
9:38 am

"Luna, baby wake up" Jon said shaking her arm lightly. "Hm?" she groaned sitting up and rubbing her eyes. "You sill wanna go shopping for April's wedding" Jon asked sitting at the end of the bed, she crawled and say next to him "Yes" she smiled with all her messy morning hair in her face. "You're so beautiful when your hairs in your face" he chuckled.

"Come on let's go" she smiled getting up, Luna gasped "What?" Jon asked with a concerned face. "Look" she grabbed his hand and put it on the right side of her stomach. "He's moving!" Jon said whispering, "You mean she" Luna said with a smirk on her face. "Yeah, we'll see" Jon grinned.

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