Chapter 45

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Luna's P.O.V

I was now a month pregnant and my bump is starting to show a little bit, Jon had a match this Sunday at MITB and it was for Colby's championship. I was so happy that he had gained his way to the top for this championship and when he took off with that belt in his hand. I knew he was the real champion.

I was in Ashley's room with the guys and her. We were just chillen and having a conversation about when the baby's gonna be here. "I'm so excited! I hope it's a girl!" Ashley smiled, "I hour it's a boy!" Colby smirked. "What if you have twins?!" Joe laughed. "Woah Woah Woah there Mr Superman" Jon put his hands out in stop.

"I'm just saying!" he chucked.

"It would be cool though" he said again.

I laughed at all three of them "Guys I've only been pregnant for a month now and at the end of next month I'm gonna get my ultra sound" I giggled. "I'm for sure going!" Ashley smiled, "Me too!" Joe said.

"Me Three!" Colby said waving his hand. "Me four" Jon said as he rubbed my stomach softly. I chucked and pecked his lips. "Alright, what should we do tonight?" Joe said standing up. "Well, i'm pregnant and I can't drink for 9 months so nothing really comes to mind" I said sitting back on the couch. "Hmmmmmm" Colby said.

"Wanna play FIFA 15?" Colby smiled.

"Yes!" me, Ashley, and Joe said at the same time. "What's fifa?" Jon said looking confused. I gasped, "Whaaaaat?!?" I laughed. "Only the best game ever!" Ashley said. "It's a soccer game that I buy every year when it comes out" Colby said. "Oh, well I'll give it a try" Jon smiled at me.

"Here" Ashley said handing the game to Colby. He put the dusk in the play station and started the game. I was surprised that Jon was actually beating me at this game.

"Hey, chill!!!" Colby said as I passed through him and made a goal. "Take that Rollins" I smiled. "Whatever, I'll get you back" he smirked. "Not if I'm around" Jon grinned at Colby. We continued to play the rest of the night.


Next Morning

I had woken up at around 12:30 and my head really hurt, Too Much Video Games I thought to myself. I got dressed and was going to a little cupcake shop with Nikki and Brie just to hang out and have a little girl time.

As I was walking down the hall I bummed into Renee and Summer Rae. Great. "Hey Luna! how you doing?" summer fake smiled, "I'm fine, excuse me" I smiled politely. I walked passed them with out looking at them both, "Congrats on the pregnancy!!!" Renee shouted. I just kept walking.

I met up with the twins and headed to the shop. "You're gonna love these cupcakes" Brie said, "They ate really good" Nikki said. "Today's our cheat day by the way" Brie laughed. I chuckled, "I get to have a cheat day for the next 9 months but I'm still gonna eat healthy" I said. "Lucky" Nikki mumbled.

"We're here!" brie said as we pulled up to a little parking lot. We all got out and made our way inside. "Damn it smells good in here" I said. "I know right" Nikki laughed. "Pick whatever you guys want it's on me" Nikki said. "Are you sure?" I asked. "Yeah go ahead I have money. and by money I mean debit card and by debit card I mean it's John's" she grinned.

Me and the girls picked what we wanted and sat down on the patio in front of the shop. "So how does it feel being one month pregnant?" Brie said eating a piece of her cupcake. "It's okay, I mean I have 8 more months to go" I said. "I wish I was pregnant" Brie sighed, "Don't worry you'll be some day" I smiled at her. "Thanks Luna" she said.

After the girls and I were finished, we headed back to the hotel. Raw was tomorrow night and we have to drive to Denver for smack down. I had gotten to my room and noticed Jon was passed out on the couch. He was all sweaty so I guess he had just come from the gym. I next next to him and put his head on my lap, I stroked some of his rough curly hair which was soaked.

"I love you Jonathan" I whispered in his ear, I kissed his forehead and went to my room to relax.

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