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    No one knew this day would come. If anything were to come to an end they would of thought it would be the bond of their friendship, tearing their team apart. But it wasn't. It was Robin who was coming to an end. His memories were slowly being stripped away from the very core that made him...him.

It was all because of Slade, Robin's drive that made him want to go after that man was the one that ended it all. Would they ever be the same team without his leadership? Who knows, but one thing was for sure, Raven never wanted that answer to be revealed because she would do everything she can to make sure her leader stays apart of this team. Even without the memories.


"Robin! You need to get in your uniform now!" Raven yelled, lights were exploding through out the tower, Robin knew just how to push her buttons. He was recently released from the hospital after being held there for about two weeks and already had the energy of a kangaroo.

"And why should I listen to you." His collectively chill attitude pissed her off. "Because, you are the leader of this team and you can't go dressed like as if your the captin of High School Musical's football team!!!" She insulted him. She couldn't handle it, the Tower couldn't either.

"Hey, if yall are going to bicker like an old couple at least not take it out on our home!" Cyborg stated as he saw the tower collapse before his eyes. "Well if this demonestic witch would leave me alone and would stop prancing around half naked all the time, I wouldn't have to be the one wearing the traffic light costume. And things would get done around here!" Robin concluded, then walked towards the exit and left.

Raven could feel her left eye starting to twitch as she felt all her anger and stress project against Robin. "That's one less Titan to worry about, mind joining him!" Cyborg chimed in as he wanted to start repairs right away.

She slowly started to make her way towards the exit after purposely making the main computer in the living room shatter knowing it would anger Cyborg, but quickly left to avoid any lectures.

Once she was far enough from the tower she could hear the blood curdling screams of terror from the half robot teen. "One imbecile done, another one to go." She muttered as she made her way throughout Jump City trying to find her commander in chief.

After two long hours of searching and fifteen minutes of breaking for ice cream and avoiding offers from persistent salesmen, she was on her way back to the tower when she noticed a black-spikey haired teen in a leather jacket with dark colored jeans and crimson red T-shirt to match. She was going to approach him with Hell's fire shooting out of her mouth but was bombarded with thousands of other girls trying to get his attention too.

This angered her, she used her black magic to remove any unwanted personnel from the scene and headed straight for him. When she finally thought she had caught him she noticed Starfire latching onto him for deer life trying not to be pulled away by her magic.

"Really Star! You too!?" She exclaimed noticing her friend, "You could've helped me all this time!" she added.

"Sorry friend Raven, I didn't know that Robin was in need of the search and rescue traditions. I shall be going to the home now." Star admitted, after blushing in embarrassment and flying towards the tower. "And you call me weird." Raven snared towards him.

"Hey, I'm not the one who lives with a alien with an IQ of a preschooler, a tin can with a processor faster than a microwave, and a green booger for a shape-shifter. So yeah I consider myself to be pretty normal." He said as he counted each one on his finger for emphasis.

"Actually you do, now let's go already. And at least wear these shades we don't need anyone figuring out your identity." She said handing him black shades. He was about to shoot back with a snarky remark when he was greeted with the sleek black shades.

'She might not be so bad after all...who am I kidding she's still a weirdo.' He thought as he gladly took the sunglasses. "I can hear your thoughts you know!" She shouted as she was irritated by his stupid attitude.

"Whatever you say, crow. Let's go home." He replied as he winked at her then slid the glasses onto his face. She felt her face heat up with a faint blush then proceeded to say, "I'm Raven not a crow!"

"Yes, you are." He said.

"No I'm not!" She snapped.

The repeated arguing went on for a while until they were at the doors of the tower. As the water pushed onto the shoreline and made it's mark against the burning sand. 

"Crow." He said one last time as he raced to the doors. When he noticed she wasn't following him he stopped and looked back. She used her magic to guide the water into a energy ball, ready to pound against his sensitive skin.

"Azarath..." She started, his face filled with regret and fear as he remembered what those words helped her do. "Look Crow-I mean Raven. I didn't mean all those stupid things I said." He pleaded. "Metrion..." She continued with a smile plastered on her face.

This time he knew he had really pushed her buttons, as the water floating on top of him began to grow. "Zinth-" she finished but was caught off guard by the sudden kiss and the tons of gallons of water that had bursted onto them.

She stood there in shock as they were both soaking wet and weak against the unexpected rainfall. "Why did you do that..." Was the only thing that escaped her mouth.

"It was the only thing I could think of to stop you...Crow." He said as his eyes were now bear due to the pressure of the water which made him lose his shades. "It worked didn't it..?" he added with a questioning tone.

" the end you still got soaked with water then dragged me into it!" She clarified then accused, trying to distract from her tomato colored face. He looked at her then gave a cocky grin, "Yeah I'd say it worked just fine." 

"Your fly is open." She calmly lied which made him go red in the face as well, then started to cover up. "Yeah I'd say that worked just fine also." She commented then giggled after walking inside. 

'I might actually give this whole Teen Titans thing a try.' He thought after staring at Raven then following close behind her, and not realizing he was smiling like an idiot.. "What are you grinning at, octopus." She insulted as she looked over at him. 

"Nothing." He said as he wiped the smile from his face.

A/n; When writing this chapter I thought it would be very neat to do the same idea but from the perspective of Raven losing her memories. What do y'all think, should I try it? Comment down below, I can't wait to hear y'alls thoughts. And again I know this isn't part 3 to Gone Mental. But I've been kind of having some writers block (:/). Sorry guys.

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