Smack That Bitch

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"Just don't mind me and no, leave him alone. I just need to sort some things out with him. Look at me, I'm a mess right now. This is why I don't do relationships. They are difficult and just cause too much pain for me." I cried out, hating myself for being weak.

No one knows how to deal with a break up. There is no real answer. I guess everyone has their own coping mechanism. Some eat their feelings; some have rebounds; some just cry and then there is me: crying my ass off to the one person who could use it against me.

Way to go, Kaya.

"Anyone would be lucky to have you. That bastard is an idiot for not coming after you, especially after his latest stunt. And no, I don't have feelings for you, I see you as a friend. An annoying, whiny person who ends up in the wrong place at the wrong time." He stated, handing a tissue to me.

"Thanks." I blowed my nose and wiped my tears. "I guess you are more his type than I am. You guys would make a great pair." I teased him slightly.

"Nah, I'm alright. He already has a gir- Whoops, said too much. Is that really the time? Must dash. Very late for an important date." He exclaimed as he rushed off.

"Well, that was weird." I mumbled to myself as I got up and walked off.

It got dark soon but I still didn't want to go home until I saw Shizuo. I had to make amends with him. I hoped I saw him before it got too late.

I saw the city lights switch on and illuminate the busy street.

I soaked in the cool air and just let myself wander until... BUMP! I walked into someone.

"Ouch. I'm really sorry..." My voice trailed away as I looked up to see who it was.

In all his tall, blonde ruggedness and glory, with his confused brown eyes, staring back at me....

I had finally found him.

"Kaya? It's you. I haven't seen you in ages. Where have you been?" He blurted out of pure shock.

He scooped me up and hugged me.

"I went home with Mikado, thought I would go see my parents and escape away from the city and from what has been going on." I admitted meekly, still wondering if he could hear my heart pounding through my chest as he hugged me.

He let go. " Sorry, I shouldn't have done that. We broke up after all. I couldn't help myself." He admitted, a blush was creeping up his face.

Could he get any cuter?

Finally, I grasped on to what was going on and stammered: "N-no, I- I mean it's my fault. I let my prejudice get the better of me. I'm s-so-sorry."

I was getting flustered. I let my hair cover my burning face.

" Listen, I would really like it if we had another chance. Maybe, gave it another go." I whispered, looking shyly to his face. "I missed you."

But then reality came crashing down like tumbling wind.

It came in the form of a bumbling airhead.

" SHIZU!! BABY!?" Screeched an ear-piercing voice as it ran towards him.

That girl then locked lips with him.

For a very long time.

Right in front of me.

And he didn't do anything to stop it.

Could you hear that?

That's the sound of my heart shattering like a broken mirror for the second time.

Tears welled up in my eyes.

They finally stopped with him looking all dazed.

He noticed me and looked me with confusion and something else that I couldn't recognise... Pity? Regret? Sorrow?

"Kaya, this is my Yuuki, my... girlfriend." He muttered to me.

I looked at him, gobsmacked.

I was gone a month and he already found someone new!? And I just admitted to him that I wanted him back!?

"Hi." I choked out and put on a fake smile to fool the crowd.

"OMG, hi! I've heard so much about you. You're like his best friend, right?" She exclaimed with such hyperness.

I already hated her. Him included.

"Nope, just a friend. Got me mixed up with someone else." I clenched my teeth, shooting daggers at him with my swollen eyes.

"Oh well, anyways, baby we must go out tomorrow. I insist." She uttered to him, completely denying my existence.

" I can't. My brother is in town. I promised to go out with him." He confessed to her.

Third wheeling is such an uncomfortable feeling.

I started to walk away before I smacked that bitch.

"Kaya can go with him. I need you. We haven't had a date in ages. Is that okay with you, Kaya?" She blurted out, looking at us expectantly.

He pleaded with his eyes to me.

Such warm eyes...

No. He broke your heart twice. You cannot do this. You don't owe him anything.

Being the strong, not weak-willed person I was: "Sure." I said.

I was a strong person, looks like I was slowly crumbling. I couldn't resist his pleading eyes. It was always a weakness.

I lied to them that Mikado was waiting for me and ran off as soon as I was out of their sights and went straight home.

I crashed onto the sofa, bawling my eyes out about today's news.

I wasn't crying because he had a girlfriend.

I was crying because I was too late and stupid enough to let him go.

The best thing I could now to was be a friend to him and let him go.

Starting with meeting his brother.


Finally had the energy to update. Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Next chapter, she meets the brother and maybe her and Shizuo hit it off again? Who knows?

See you in the next update~

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Somewhat The Same (Shizuo x Oc)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin