Chapter 10

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Roxy’s POV

I rolled over and sighed. CC was at the studio again. Andy has been making them go nonstop all week. All I wanted to do was curl up with him in bed and watch movies. I got up out of his bed and grabbed my phone. I got a text from CC saying that he would be late again. I threw my phone at the wall in anger. I was so sick of not being able to see my boyfriend. I got dressed and packed a bag. I wasn’t mad at CC but I was annoyed with him. I texted my mom and told her I was going to visit my grandparents. She texted me back asking why I was leaving and I told her I just wanted to see them. But she knew I was becoming annoyed and depressed with not seeing CC a lot. I booked a plane ticket and headed off to the airport. I was walking through security and I started crying. I didn’t want to leave CC but I needed to get away. Not seeing him was driving me insane. When I do see him he is sleeping because of all the crazy hours at the studio. I took my seat on the plane and put my headphones in. I blasted Roxanne, the cover Juliet did, and started bawling my eyes out. The plane took off and I saw someone sit next to me out of the corner of my eye. He touched my shoulder and I moved away. I looked at a picture of me and CC from our first date and cried even more. I felt my left headphone get pulled out of my ear. “Roxanne will you please listen to me.” I looked up at the voice and it was CC. “Why are you here? Andy will be pissed.” I said. “I don’t care. I miss my girlfriend and she needs me.” He said kissing me. I smiled and kissed him back. “You realize Andy is going to kill you right.” I said. “Ya but it is all worth it. So I get to meet your grandparents. This should be fun.” He said smiling. “They have a pug.” I said. He smiled and started getting all excited. I rested my head on his shoulder. This was going to be a long plane ride back to Massachusetts. CC woke me up and told me we were landing. I ran through the airport and grabbed my bags. I slipped on my Northface and ran to the front. CC caught up to me and I saw my grampie. “GRAMPIE!” I yelled running towards him. He caught me and hugged me tightly. “Who is this?” he asked. “This is my boyfriend Christian.” I said. “It’s nice to meet you sir. Roxanne talks about you all the time.” CC said shaking his hand. “Call me Brian.” He said. CC smiled and we got in the car. After a half hour of driving we made it to my grandparents. I jumped out the car and ran inside. “NANA!” I yelled. My petite grandmother came into the living room and hugged me tightly. “I’m making your favorite.” She said. “Meatloaf, roasted potatoes, and grilled zucchini.” I said. She nodded. My eyes lit up like a Christmas tree. “And chocolate chip cookies.” She said. I hugged her tightly and smiled. CC came in the kitchen talking about football with my Grampie. “Guys, football doesn’t start for another four months.” I said. “But we want to talk about the players.” CC whined. “Oh shush, now go get cleaned up for dinner.” I said. He smiled and headed towards the bathroom. “He seems like a nice boy.” My nana said. “He is and he makes me really happy.” I said setting the table. CC came walking out and kissed my cheek. “Can I help with anything?” he asked my nana. “No, it is almost done but thank you for asking.” My nana said to him. He nodded and helped me get drinks for everyone. We all sat down for dinner and CC took one bite of my nana’s meatloaf and smiled. “This tastes so good.” He said. I laughed. “That’s why I love it so much.” I said. Throughout dinner my nana and grampie asked him questions. They seemed to like him a lot which made me happy. “Your foster mother came by the other day asking about you.” My grampie said helping with the dishes while CC and my nana were making cookies. “What did she want?” I asked. “She wanted to see how you were doing and that’s it.” He said. “Did you tell her I was coming to visit?” I asked. He nodded. I sighed. I really didn’t want to see that god awful woman. She hated me and always abused me. I walked over to my nana and CC ad helped them finish making cookies. I kissed CC’s cheek and hugged him. We ate our cookies and we all sat down and talked about my The Voice experience. Soon my grandparents got tired and headed to bed. “You tired yet Lovebug?” CC asked me moving my hair out of my face. “No not yet.” I said. “Well do you want to watch a movie?” he asked. I nodded. I grabbed a blanket and some popcorn as CC put in the movie. I sat down and he pulled me close next to him. “I finally get to watch a movie with the one I love the most.” He said kissing me. I smiled and threw popcorn at his face. He laughed and ate it. I smiled at him and kissed his nose. I turned my attention to the TV. He picked the original Evil Dead. I was so happy.

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