Chapter 19

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Roxy’s POV

I woke up and realized what today was. Today I was going to court to press charges on Derek. I wasn’t allowed to talk to Lauren until after the trial. CC still doesn’t want me talking to her. I fixed my dress and put on my blazer. I slipped on my flats and met CC downstairs. I sighed as he was fidgeting with his tie. “Come here.” I said. He smiled and walked over. I did his tie and he kissed me. “Thank you.” He said. “What are you going to do on our wedding day?” I asked. “Have Jinxx tie it.” He said. I smiled and we headed to the courthouse. I held CC’s hand the whole way there. Once we got there I sat with my lawyer. Soon the trial started. I saw Lauren looking down. I felt really bad for what might happen to her. “Now Miss. Biersack tell us what happened on the day of your kidnapping.” The defending lawyer said. I took a deep breath and told my story. My lawyer then took the stand. “The defendant tried to kill you when you were in the hospital about a year ago correct?” he asked. “Yes.” I said. He asked me a few more questions and I answered them truthfully. Soon Derek was called up and he lied the whole time. Lauren went up and I smiled at her. She nodded. Lauren told all the truth. We broke so the court could decide Derek and Lauren’s fate. I saw Lauren crying. I ran over and hugged her. “Thank you so much Lauren for everything. I hope they go easy on you.” I said. She nodded. “I am moving away after I serve my punishment.” She said. I nodded. We all headed back in. Derek was sentenced to jail for life and Lauren had community serve for six months. I hugged CC tightly and the whole band cheered. We then left and headed back to our house for lunch. We changed into causal clothes. CC and Jake were starting up the grill and I set the table outside. “HELLO!” I heard a girl yell through the house. I squealed and ran to the living room. “ELLA!” I screamed tackling her. “Hey Roxanne, I missed you too.” She said hugging me. I nodded to my room and the girls followed. Ashley followed behind. “Okay so tomorrow night you are taking CC out for his bachelor party and I am going out with the girls and then Friday is the big day.” I said. “Of course, I can’t wait. I am so excited.” Ashley said. I agreed to let him do my hair because I love him. We all talked about it and headed back out to the kitchen. CC yelled out that the burgers were done. I finished the potato salad and the corn. “Dig in.” I said smiling. We were all eating and laughing. I looked over at CC and saw the mess on his face. I picked up my napkin and licked it. I wiped off his face and he smiled. “I am having one baby in this house not two.” I said. He nodded and kissed me. Marley barked and I patted my lap. He jumped up and I kissed his head. I finished eating and gave Marley the rest of my burger. He barked a thank you for the food and ran off to his bed. He curled up and fell asleep. I yawned and rested my head on CC’s shoulder. “Looks like a mommy needs her sleep.” Ella said. I smiled. She came over and said goodbye with Jake. Jinxx, Sammi and my parents said goodbye. “Goodnight boys.” I said kissing CC goodnight. “Night beautiful, I love you.” He said. I smiled. I hugged Ash goodnight and headed to my room. I stripped and put on one of CC’s shirts. I crawled into bed and called Marley. He whimpered because he was having problems jumping up. I helped him and he curled up by my face. I soon fell asleep with Marley.

“Why are we going out tomorrow night again Ashley?” I asked. “All of us guys want to take you out for some fun before Cameron arrives.” He said. I nodded. I really didn’t want to leave Roxanne but I will see her the next morning. Ashley and I stayed up talking for a while and then we parted ways. He headed to the guest room and I got in bed with Roxanne. I kissed her cheek and fell asleep. I woke up to Marley jumping off the bed. Roxanne had her face buried in my chest. I kissed her head and picked her up. I headed to the kitchen and got breakfast started. I head Marley go wake up Ash. Marley was pulling Ashley into the kitchen by his pant leg. I began laughing. I served the eggs and toast I made to the both of them. “Are you sure it is fine I go out with the guys tonight?” I asked her. “Yes, go have fun. I have plans with the girls.” She said. I nodded and kissed her head. We spent the whole day relaxing until I got ready to leave. I kissed Roxanne goodbye and left with the guys. We headed to a club and started drinking. I danced with Jinxx most of the night. I don’t remember what happened after all that. I woke up and groaned. “Morning dude, here.” Ash said handing me pain killers. “Go take a shower and then meet me in my bed room.” He said. I nodded. I showered and I dried off. I saw all the guys in suits. I am now confused. Ash handed me one and I got dressed. I straightened my hair and followed them to Andy’s car. We drove to a church. “What is going on?” I asked. “It’s your wedding day dude.” Jake said. My jaw dropped. That is why Roxanne has been so secretive. We headed to the groom’s room. I walked to Roxanne’s door. “You are a sneaky girl but I love you Roxanne.” I said. “I love you too Christian.” She said. I walked back to my room. Soon I was standing at the altar. I watched Ashley walk down the aisle with Juliet. Then Jake and Ella followed by Jinxx and Sammi. Marley came running down the aisle with rings. Willow the came out in her cute little flower girl dress. Then the march started up. Everyone stood up and looked towards the door. Andy came out with Roxanne. She looked stunning. She was breath taking. She finally made it to me. “We are gathered together on this beautiful afternoon to share with Roxanne and Christian as they exchange vows of their everlasting love. Who gives this woman to be married to this man?” the priest said. “Her mother and I.” Andy said kissing her forehead and placing her hands in mine. He then went and sat down next to Roxanne’s grandparents. I looked into her eyes and smiled at her. “As Roxanne and Christian take their vows today, we are privileged to witness the joyous love of a new family, a family that will be nourished and nurtured through the devotion of two separate individuals growing together through the common bonds of love. May their marriage bring them the peace, joy, comfort and contentment that is known in the hearts of all God's children. And may Christian and Roxanne both look forward to each new season of their marriage just as the world looks forward to each new season of the year. For all seasons bring with them their own special moments and memories.
An essential requirement of a good marriage is a strong bond of real friendship and trust. Roxanne and Christian, your love for each other will grow deeper with every passing day, but it's important to remember that your love stands on a foundation of genuine, mutual affection and respect for each other. To truly love another person is to be willing to accept both their strong points, and their weak points, with equal measures of understanding and respect. The vows you are about to exchange, will serve as a verbal representation of the non-verbal emotions that are as real as anything that can be seen, heard or touched. For it is not the words that you will speak today that will bond you together as one but the strength of the love and commitment found deep within your souls.” The priest said. He looked to Roxanne. “Christian, I didn’t know you long before I fell for you. I remember you walking in to my mom and dad’s apartment and I had to contain my excitement when I saw you. My dad and you tackled me in a hug and it made me feel loved for once in my life. When we first talked you reminded me of the time in Guitar World. I still laugh about that. I remember our first fight as best friends and I still feel awful about it even though it was someone else’s fault. I remember making the mistake of going back to an abusive relationship. I remember us going to the beach and we were acting like we were a couple and having the time of our life. That is one of my favorite memories of being with you. I remember Ashley coming over the day after and getting me ready for our first date. I didn’t know why he was making look so pretty but I enjoyed it. I remember walking up the candle lit walkway, seeing Jake in a suit playing the guitar, and you singing Roxanne. You asked me to be yours and I accepted. We danced under the stars and had the time of our life. When I asked you if my dad would be okay with us dating and you said it didn’t matter that you would fight for me it made my heart swoon. I remember you staying the night and making the joke saying you didn’t know it was this easy to get into Andy’s pants. I laughed at that still. I made the stupid mistake though of kissing an idiot and then hurting myself and almost leaving you. We have had our ups and downs. We have been able to solve our fights and we’ve grown stronger as a couple. I can’t wait till Cameron is here and we can be a family. I love you Christian for the rest of my life.” She said. Some of her vows were funny so I couldn’t help but laugh. “Roxanne, I believe when I first met you my heart stopped beating. I saw how beautiful you were and I was like damn I wonder if she is available but I wasn't at the time. I remember when you caught me looking at you and you blushed like crazy. I remember Andy telling me if I hurt you he would kill me. I remember sitting outside your bedroom door that first day and listen to you sing This Song Saved My Life. I could hear all the emotion behind it. You still are an amazing singer to this day. We all went out to dinner and that is when I realized I had fallen for you. I was completely in love with you. I remember when we became best friends because I was dating someone else. I remember you walking in seeing us making out. I still feel awful about breaking your heart from that. I remember you dumping water on us which made me laugh. I then felt awful for yelling at you and not believing you for the lie that girl told me. I remember seeing you walk in the next morning with Craig and I was jealous. I wanted you to be mine but I was still up on my horse about that fight. I remember when your dad showed me that video and I laid in my bed crying for hours. I dumped the girl I was with and tried to think of a way to win you back. I remember when Juliet even told me if I broke your heart she would kill me and between you and me. She scares me more than Andy when she is mad. I remember that one day you came over crying. You showed me the bruises Craig left on your body and I wanted to kill him. I still do. By the way if I ever buy you chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream. I promise there will be cookie dough in it. I remember going to the club with everyone and you said you loved me. I didn't know if you meant it or just as friends but I wanted to tell you I love you too. When I asked you to be mine and you accepted I was the happiest man in the world besides Andy everything he watches Batman. I remember our first fight when you kissed Derek thinking it was Zach. It was stupid. I shouldn't have left you. I sat by you for three weeks when you were in your coma, my butt still hurts by the way. I remember when I kissed you after you woke up you pretended to be sleeping beauty for me and I loved it. I remember chasing you to your grandparents just to spend time with you. I will follow you anywhere Roxanne. To the end of the world and back. I promise I will always be there for you, Cameron and Marley. I love you Roxanne.” I said. She laughed at some of the parts in my vows like the ice cream part. “At this time, I’ll ask you, Christian, and you, Roxanne, to face each other & take each other’s hands. Christian, will you take Roxanne to be your wife, your partner in life and your one true love? Will you cherish her friendship and love her today, tomorrow and forever? Will you trust and honor her, laugh with her and cry with her? Will you be faithful through good times and bad, in sickness and in health as long as you both shall live?” the priest said. “I do.” I said. “Roxanne, will you take Christian to be your husband, your partner in life and your one true love? Will you cherish his friendship and love him today, tomorrow and forever? Will you trust and honor him, laugh with him and cry with him? Will you be faithful through good times and bad, in sickness and in health as long as you both shall live?” he repeated. “I do.” She said. “Do you have a ring for the bride?   Please place the ring on the bride's finger and say: With this ring, I thee wed.” he said. I followed what he said and placed Roxanne’s ring on her finger. “Is there a ring for the groom? Please place the ring on the groom's finger and say: With this ring I thee wed.” he repeated. Roxanne put my ring on my finger. “Let these rings be given and received as a token of your affection, sincerity and fidelity to one another. In as much as Roxanne and Christian have consented together in wedlock and have witnessed the same before this company, and pledged their vows to each other, by the authority vested in me by the State of California, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.” He said. I lifted her veil up and kissed her. She smiled and kissed back. Everyone was cheering. We headed to the limo and off to the reception. “Surprise.” She said. “Best surprise ever besides Cameron.” I said kissing her. Once we arrived we headed into the tent. It was getting a bit dark because of daylight savings. The lights flickered on and it was beautiful. “I now present Mr. and Mrs. Coma.” Ashley said. They started our song So This Is Love. We both love it and the movie Cinderella. After we finished everyone clapped. We cut the cake and smashed it in our faces. We wiped it off and Andy took Roxanne to the floor for their dance. They were dancing to Daddy by Beyoncé. I saw both of them crying. Juliet’s dad led her to the floor and they started dancing along with the other fathers and daughters. I took Marley out and danced with him. We soon finished the festivities and we meted everyone outside. Roxanne turned around and threw her bouquet into the crowd. She turned around and Ella caught it. Jake then got down on one knee. Roxanne was shocked and hit me. “Ella, I love you more than anything in the world. Will you please marry me?” he asked her. Ella squealed and said yes. Roxanne ran over and hugged her tightly. We then got in our limo and headed home. “Well Mrs. Coma, where are we going for our honeymoon?” I asked. “Anywhere you want Mr. Coma.” She said. I smiled and carried her inside. Marley followed and I shut the door. I stripped her of her dress and she hung it up. I hung up my tux. I smiled when I saw her looking at her bump. I kneeled down and kissed her bump. “I love you Cameron.” I said. I felt a kick and I smiled. She smiled and looked like she was going to cry. “You are going to be an amazing dad.” She said. I smiled and carried her to bed. I covered us and we soon fell asleep.

The reception hall on the side

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