Wedding Day (short chapter)

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Today is the day, I am marrying Kaiden, I am nervous, I am getting my makeup and hair done, Raleigh keeps crying every two seconds, I am stressing out with that, I am stressing out over silly things that brides do on the wedding  day and with a 1 month old baby bakes it worser.


"It's time." Dad said opening the door, all the bridemaids was walking out of the door and getting in position to walk down the aisle.

I walked up to him and took his hand, we walked and took our position behind Hudson (who is my maid of honour.) I took a deep breath, I looked at dad smiling at me. Now I'm walking down the aisle, I see Kaiden there, he turns and looks at me and I start to cry and he cries.

"Cassidy and Kaiden have decided to do their own vows." The priest said after saying all the other stuff, Kaiden got out a piece of paper and started to read.

"Cassidy, since the day I met you, I knew we would have a connection, then the times we hanged around at your house, I then started to feel things that I love about you, whenever I saw you are was or was near you, you would make me smile and happy, them two years we was apart, I was thinking of when I could sweep you of your feet. Now I have done that, I have a step son that I love and a daughter that I would go to the end of the world for. And you, we might have not been high school sweethearts I might have done stupid things but I never stopped loving you." He finished, he looked at the piece of paper he started to cry, I wiped the tears of his face then he looked at me and smiled.

"Kaiden, you are the worst and the best thing that happened to me, moving here from New York was hell, you made it better, everyday, hanging with you, you made it my happy place, thinking about hanging with you, talking about things I never thought I would talk about to anyone. You brought the best out of me, those two years that we was apart and I had Alex was making me realise that we needed that break so then we could come back together and make it work and have a beautiful daughter together, move into a house and you look after my son like your own. And I love you for that and I will never stop loving you." I said smiling and laughing when we met eye contact I couldn't stop crying. This is the happiest I have ever been.

" I and the state of Tennessee pronounce you Cassidy MacAndrew and Kaiden Lancaster, husband and wife." I looked at Kaiden and we smiled, once the priest stopped talking I waited for him to say the words.

"Kaiden, you may kiss your bride." I smiled and we moved into the kiss, he pulled me and everyone clapped and woohed when we kissed we broke the kiss by laughing. We walked down the aisle, Kaiden holding Raleigh and me holding Alex hand.

I did it, I married Alex p, who would have though it, I have a three year old son, a 1 month old daughter, a family that love me and I love them so much, a husband that I love and we always love for the rest of my life. My perfect life had turned from moving to Nashville from New York. Starting a new school and then getting hit by a football then a guy who turns out to be my future husband collects it.
We have had ups and down put all I want now is for mine and Kaiden's relationship and marriage to be full of ups and a couple of downs.

So I hope you like my story of my life (so far) and how I got to where I am now. I hope you like me talking about it.
Kaiden would also like to say I love you too Cassidy, I love you too Raleigh Maisie and Alex for the rest of my life. Forever and always.

Love Kaiden and Cassidy.

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