Netflix and Kissing

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Me sitting on my sofa with Kaiden about one and a half seat from me was nerve raking, I'm going to be honest, I am kind of like him but I know that I can't because he has a girlfriend, this is just two friends watching a movie. That's all.

"Want to watch another film?" I didn't even realised that the film had finished, this is weird, I was thinking about him from the beginning to the end of the film.

"You two, your dinner is ready." my dad shouting from the kitchen. Derek is still here, he has been here for ages, I didn't think that a meeting would go on for about 4 hours.

"Coming." Me and Kaiden walked into the occasion dining room, dad and Derek coming into the room with our food. we all sat and eat our food.

"So, Kaiden, you and Cassidy just friends?" Did he just say that, I was drinking my soda when he said that, I nearly chocked, oh my god, I hate him so much.

"Yeah, we are just mates, I have a girlfriend." He said trying not to feel uncomfortable. My dad is the most embarrassing person ever.

"So can we drop it now, dad, please, talk about something else." I said trying to move the conversation along.

"I have to go back to New York to get some stuff from the old apartment, so you will be here by yourself, you can two friends over but no parties and no more than two friends." He said sternly, now I could tell I shouldn't joke with him.

"What about during the day, does it still have to be two people or do I have to still have two friends?" I asked questioning him good in my opinion.

"More than two during the day, curfew at 11 and no parties and the boys can't sleep over." He said looking at Kaiden, did he hear him or something when he said that he has a girlfriend.

"Don't know why you looked at him, he has a girlfriend, it will be mainly Hudson and Jesy sleeping over." I said picking up my phone and messaging Jesy then Hudson. "Thanks for the dinner, we going to watch another movie." Me and Kaiden walked out of the room and into the kitchen, put the plates in the dish washer and walked out back into the living room.

"So another film?" Kaiden asked when we got back and I put the next one on this time it was his choice.

"So, I'm leaving tomorrow, me and Derek are going to get sorted, we are leaving at 5pm." Dad said at the living room door, Derek behind him, then nodded and I did, I turned back to the TV and I heard the footsteps go upstairs.


" Well, I'll see you tomorrow," I said when he was at the door.

"Talk later," He walked out of my yard and walked down the street.

"He was nice." Dad said walking down the stairs with two bags with Derek behind him.

"Yeah, not awkward at all." I said walking past them and clearing the coffee table.

"I'm sorry, I though that he was going to take advantage of you." my dad said walking into the kitchen to where Derek was.

"Dad why would he, he has a girlfriend. And I wouldn't go out with him, I don't want a boyfriend yet." I said putting the other stuff in the dishwasher and started to clean the kitchen.

"Is Derek staying so you can go straight there, then?" I said looking at them. I walked to the hallway and picked up my phone seeing the thousands of messages from Hudson and the other girls.

"Yeah, the girls are coming tomorrow, Hudson is sleeping tonight." I said looking up at my dad. "She is coming in 40 minutes.


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