A girl

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"Come on, we have to take Alex to my dads and then make that appointment, I don't want to be late." I shouted at the door, holding my bag, Alex's bag and Kaiden shoes. I am 4 months along now and I get to find out the gender and I can't wait.

"We're coming, have you seen my shoes?" Kaiden walked out of the room, I showed him the shoes in my hand he walked up to me and took them out of my hands. Alex walked out of his room and took his bag from my hands and walked to the car.

"Right, we have everything?" I asked looking at my bag, I had my phone and got my keys put them in the ignition and started the car, Kaiden walked out of the apartment, and sat next to me in the car.

"We will be back later." I said giving Alex a kiss then talking to dad, he gave me a hug and told me to tell him if it is a girl or a boy.

"Babe, what do you want?" I asked when I got back in the car.

"I don't care, as long as it is a human being."he started to laugh, I nodded my head and signed and drove off.

We walked into the clinic and was told to wait for the doctor to come and get us, we sat next to the entrance, I hate hospitals if I am not working, for some reason they scare the hell out of me but when I'm in my nurse uniform it makes me think that I will help save someone, strange or it might be because I'm pregnant, I was like that with Alex.

"Cassidy MacAndrew, Doctor Gamble will see you now in room 4a." Me and Kaiden stood up, he took my bag while we walked to the door, I opened it and walked in, I sat the nearest to the desk and Kaiden sat next to me.

"Hi, I'm Doctor Gamble, I am going to be the doctor for the rest of your pregnancy, doctor harmsley retired, oh, you work here, you nurse Cassidy." He said looking at my notes and the files that I gave to doctor Harmsley.

"Yes, I work in the centre across from the clinic." I simply said and waited for him to talk.

"Well because I have just met you, I need to know if this is your first child because it is not written in this file or folder to be frank." He said, I looked at Kaiden and the replied.

"This is my second child. But this is his first child." I pointed to Kaiden then saw Doctor Gamble.

"Ok, do you want to find out the gender?"he said before he asked us to go to the bed thing.

"We would like you to write it down on a piece of paper so we can give it to my dad and then at the party he can reveal it to us." I said when he placed the cold blue gel on my stomach, I looked at the screen then I saw the little thing wriggling around, I looked at Kaiden, every time he looks at the screen he lights up.

"How many sonograms." Doctor Gamble said when we finished, I rubbed the gel of my stomach and got of the bed, I pulled my top over my stomach.

"3 please," Doctor Gamble walked out of the room ,seconds later he walked back in with the 3 sonograms and the envelope that has the gender of the baby.

"You will be surprised." He said before we walked out, we said bye then I went to the reception to make my new appointment.

"So at the party tomorrow, you are going to reveal it and we need the colour cake, so reveal the cake while you say it, you got it." I said at the door, Kaiden was holding Alex because he was asleep, dad was nodding do he understands what I am asking him to do.

"See you tomorrow." I said kissing day and handing him the envelope. " don't open it till we leave then get the cake." I walked to the car and got into the car.

"Can't wait." Kaiden said before we drove off.

"So what do you think the baby is? Boy or girl?" I asked him when we was sat watching Americas Next Top Model.

"I want it to be a girl." Kaiden said looking at the TV screen.

"Really. A girl." I said shocked I actually though he would want a boy.

"Yeah. I always wanted a girl, to dress her up and watch frozen and sing along to the princess song. At least I can do that with a girl because I can't do that with Alex or with a little boy can I." Kaiden said looking at my baby bump, he laid down then place his lips on my stomach.

"I don't what you are, a boy or girl, I will still love you the same, I will still do everything for you,you are going to be spoilt along with you big brother." Kaiden said then kissing my stomach all over. I started to laugh.

"Have you told your mum? Have you told her about us to start with? Or the baby?" I asked because I forgot to ask him.

Kaiden: Mum, me Cassidy, you remember her, we are going out, we have been going out for a year, she had a kid with that Mano guy, he is three years old. And me and her are having our own baby.

I saw the message before he sent it. We just waited for her to reply.

Kaiden's Mom: that is wonderful, your dad always wanted you two to get together and it so nice that you are looking after the kid, and I want to know what you are having and I want you to come to Greece after the baby is born so I can meet my grandson/granddaughter.

Kaiden started to cry, I think that he hasn't heard something like that forever, after I finished reading the message I hugged him he pulled me in for a tight hug and he cried into my shoulder.

"So we are going to go to Greece after the baby is born." I said laughing.

"And my family is crazy." He said laughing and standing up, he put his hand out, I put my hand in his and stood up.

"I know where you get it from." I laughed and he put me in front and put his hands around my waist and directed me into the bedroom, we was laughing before I got tired and fell asleep straight away.

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