Forgive and Forget

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"Hey, Cass, here, this is for the new school term, they didn't have your address, so they sent them to mine." Hudson handed me two envelopes one had my name the other didn't.

"What are they for?" They didn't say that we was going to get envelopes.

"They wanted to sent things to confirm you address and people that you live with an emergency call and shit like that." Hudson said at the gate, I looked at the envelopes. Something seemed odd.

"Thanks." I closed my door and walked back I to the living room where Mano was with, with my dad and Derek. I sat next to him. I started to open the envelope.

Don't stop reading, I want you to read to the end, don't ruin it.
                I am so so so sorry for what I did yesterday at the lake, I was upset and angry, I didn't know he was the same age as us because his face looks older than he is. I lost it, I didn't want it to, I guess, I'm jealous that you are happy with Mano. And I do mean it, I do love you, if I wasn't going out with Hope at the time, I would have asked you out but I see you are happy with Mano and I'm not going to stop you. Can we still talk at school?"

I looked at the letter again wait something is on the back, I turned it over and started to read it.

P.S. The other letter is for Mano.

I looked at the other envelope, Mano was enjoying the TV show that was on that Derek put on.  I don't want to give it to him but he needs to know that Kaiden apologise for the way he behaved.

"Mano, here." I handed the letter, he directed his look from the TV to the envelope, he opened the envelope and taken the letter. Hope he understands some English.

            Yesterday, I was a massive jerk, I was angry at the way you make Cassidy happy. I am happy that you make Cassidy happy. I was jealous because I have liked Cassidy ever since she moved, and seeing her with you made me realise that I don't have a chance because she loves you. So I'm not going to get in your way.

He turned over the letter over, there was something on the other side.

P.S. Don't break her heart.

"Forgive and forget." Mano said after he finished reading his letter, I looked at him and smiled. How can he be so happy with that, he basically threatened him and he is happy about that.

"I can't forgive him, he did that, just because he was jealous." I said standing up and walking out of the room. Derek and dad stared at me, Mano didn't know if he would follow me.

"Cass, he did the right thing by apologising." Dad said standing next to me, Mano came and stood next to dad, staring at me.

"I'm going to talk to him at school next week." I said then walked up the stairs, Mano stayed and watched the end of the TV show with dad and Derek.

Mano walked into my room, I was string at my laptop screen and the letter, I was on FaceTime with Hudson on my phone. He came and stood behind me, him and Hudson said hi.

"Cass, he was so sorry, he wanted me to do it because he felt bad, he regretted it as soon as he got in the car and this was the only thing that he thought would work.

"Mano, he wants to forget no forgive but I think that I won't be able because of the Hope and everything." I said to Hudson and Mano heard because I haven't told him the other reason I won't forgive him.

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