Kaiden Meet my son Alex

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Today, is the day, I tell Kaiden that I have a two year old son with the guy that I fought for two years ago but now we aren't together, hope this goes to plan.

Me: We will be there in 30 minutes. Can you get Alex clean and ready please.

Dad: Yeah, Derek is doing at we are texting, I have made burritos.

Me: Ok, thanks. tell Alex mummy has a surprise.

"You ready?" I asked when I walked out of my room, Kaiden was hopping to the door, he opened it and I followed him out of the door, I closed it and followed him to the car, I helped him get in and I walked to my side and started the car.

Dads House

"Hey dad, Hey Derek, looks who is back?" I said helping Kaiden into the house, dad and Derek patted Kaiden on the back and helped him into the living room, I pulled Derek back to the hallway.  "Where is Alex?"

"I put him in his bedroom because I knew you were coming, I told him that you would come up and get him when you was here." I nodded and walked up the stairs, Derek went and joined dad and Kaiden.

"Alex, baby, mummy's here." I said opening the door, he was playing with his teddies and action figures, when he heard my voice he ran up to me, I picked him up and walked to his closet.

"Why am I getting changed again?" He asked when I went through his closet. 7

"Your not, I wanted to see if that top daddy got you was in this closet or the one at home." I said, I put him down and kneeled to his level so he was looking at my face.

"Mummy has someone she wants you to see, he is an old friend of mummy, he used to live down the road then he moved and he has just come back." I said making his t-shirt neat. I picked him and we started to walk down the stairs.

I took in a large sign then walked into the living room, Dad and Derek was telling Kaiden about their wedding.  I walked in front of them.

"Kaiden, this is my son," Alex hid his face in my hair, Kaiden just stared at me, dad and Derek walked out of the living room, leaving us three in the  room.

"So the car seat and toys are this mans things?" He asked after a minute, I could tell he didn't know what to say and so did I.

"Yeah, I didn't know how to tell you that I had a kid with Mano." I said putting Alex on the floor, he waddled over to his toys in the corner.

"What's his name?" He asked.

"Alexander. We all call him Alex. His last name is Riccardo-MacAndrew." I said. "When he starts school it's just going to be MacAndrew."

"How old is he?" He asked, looking over at Alex, just watching him play.

"2, he will be 3 in 7 weeks." I said laughing at him playing weird game in the corner.

"Do you want to talk to him?" I asked looking back at Kaiden, he was still watching Alex.

"Yeah." He said, he shuffled to sit up straight.

"Baby, come here, this is Kaiden, he was my best friend when I moved her, we did everything, then he moved, he wants to talk to you, about things that you like to do." I put him on my lap, I placed him next to me and I stood up,  Alex looked up at me. "It's ok. I will be in the kitchen with Grandpa Sam and Grandpa Derek." 

I walked out of the living room, I stood in the hall way, I listen to Kaiden talking, Dad and Derek walked up behind me and listened to.

"They are going to get along." Dad said and walked back to the kitchen.

"Are you going to tell Mano that Kaiden is back." Derek said, I turned around and looked at him.

"What am I going to say?" I said, when did my life become so complex. my ex- boyfriend and father of my child is half way around the world, the person that I fell in love with but couldn't admit it, has come back and is talking to my son.

I love my complex, weird life.    

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