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"Mrs Riccardo." I said shocked, Mano mum would only call to see if Alex was alright or when he was flying out to see the family.

"Mano dead." She simply said, I broke down on the sofa, Kaiden ran up to me and sat next to me.

"com'è morto." I did say I was good with my Italian.

"Era in un incidente d'auto a Venezia, stava lavorando laggiù." She said through crying tears, I was crying, how am I going to tell Alex that his dad has died in a crash.

"quando è il funerale?" I asked her trying to stop crying, Kaiden must have known something was bad because he was doing a good job comforting me.

""in due settimane, si prega di venire?" She asked, I looked at Kaiden.

"Io sarò lì esimo Alex. addio." I said and hung up the phone, i looked at Kaiden.

"Mano was in a car crash in Venice, the funeral is in two weeks, we need to go, i need you to come with me please, how am i going to tell Alex?" I said, so many things was rushing through my head, how am i going to tell Alex.

"Mummy, i want talk to daddy?" Alex ran into the living and sitting on Kaiden's knee. i looked at him, Kaiden moved Alex's body so show his face to ours.

"Baby, do you remember Kaiden telling you that story the other night?" I said holding his hand.

"Yeah, the prince dies and goes into the sky." He said unsure why we are bring up the story.

"Daddy has done the same thing as the prince, he has died and gone up to the sky." Kaiden said when he saw me struggling to tell Alex, i saw his face turn from confusion to sadness. he got of Kaiden's knee and ran to his room.

"Let him think about it, he'll come out." I said when the door slammed, i cuddled into Kaiden.

Hudson & Charlotte: What has happened?

Me: Mano was in a car accident while he was working.

Charlotte: Have you told Alex?

Hudson: he must be heart broken.

Me: Kaiden told him because i couldn't, him and Kaiden are making lunch, it has his mind of it for now.

Charlotte: I'll bring Lottie round for a bit, Calum and Ricki are coming.

Hudson: I'm coming.

Me: See you in a bit then.

After me, Kaiden and Alex had had our chicken sandwiches the door ran, Charlotte was holding Lottie, Calum and Ricki was behind and Hudson and her boyfriend was at the side. they all came in and greeted Kaiden and Alex.
Kaiden and the boys went into the kitchen to make us drinks, Alex is playing with Lottie in his room and me, Charlotte and Hudson are sit in the living room.

"Did his mum call or something?" Charlotte asked.

"Yeah, about 7pm this morning, she was in hysterical crying, then she told me and i was crying my head off." I said looking back into Alex's room.

"How did little man take it?" Hudson said doing the same thing as me.

"He cried then Kaiden said he could help make lunch then he stop and he hasn't talked about it." I said, Kaiden and the boys came back and handed us the coffee and teas, they all sat down on the sofa opposite us.

"Me, Kaiden and Alex are going to Italy to the funeral." I said after the guys sat down.

Nashville International Airport

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