Phone calls ❤️

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I don't know what has been happening between me and Kaiden, me and him have not been close lately, we haven't talk in like a week, he avoids me when we are at school. It is also awkward between me and the girls, especially Hudson, we was so close. Is it because I am talking all the time to Mano. The thing is, I have talked to Mano and I can tell him anything, I can't tell them, they don't understand like Mano.

"Ciao, quello che sta accadendo." I don't know what he is saying, I wish I didn't flunk Italian, my dad got me a private tutor, he was obsessed with Italy when I was 11. I think he still is. "Sorry, no speak Italian. What's been happening?"

"Me and my mates haven't been close, I think they don't like me talking to you. Especially Kaiden." I said. Making it into smaller sentences so he understands. Even though he is good at English.

"Oh. Hope it get better." He says.

"Well, talk later." I said laying in my bed smiling.

"buonanotte." Over the couple of weeks we have been talking I have found out that buonanotte means good night.

"buonanotte." I try my best and he laughs at my attempt, then we hang up, waiting for him to ring me again, I can't wait.

"CASS, ITS KAIDEN." Dad shouted from the stairs. What he is finally here, wanting to talk to me, well.
I walked out of my room, to the stairs and to where dad and Kaiden was, I looked at him, he had a faint smile on his face, what am I going to say. What is he going to say again?

"Hey. what's wrong?" I said when I walked down the stairs, dad left for the dining room, I stood next to Kaiden and waited for him to talk, do I have to wait for ages.

"I wanted to see if you are alright." He said looking at the floor, he hasn't looked at me since he came, what is wrong with him? seriously.

"I'm fine, are you? you seem distance." I said confused at why he is acting this way, is it me? have I don't something?

"No, you are the distance one, since you have come back from Italy, you haven't seen any of us, not coming to the park today and then you are talking to a guy you have only talked to for about a week." he said now looking at me, angry in his face.

"I'm sorry, I don't think I have been distant, I have talked to you, I haven't ignored you." I said, what has gotten into him? what have I done to start this.

"Why don't you leave me alone and just talk to that guy, the only thing you are doing right now." I was looking at my phone for the time, Mano was about to call me. Kaiden opened the door, and slammed it shut.

"Is everything okay, Kaiden seems mad?" Dad said when him and Derek walked out of the dining room. I looked at them and smiled, I walked up the stairs, I know their expressions are worried.


Mano is calling me, it has been the fifth time, I haven't answered. He will think I am ignoring him for something, he will hate me. But Kaiden, the original guy I liked, I liked him, he broke up with Hope because he liked me, he wanted to go out with me. But Mano came into the picture and I like him, I need to choose, and I hate choosing.

"Cass, are you ok, you didn't come down for dinner, dad is worried for you, I have brought it with me so you can eat it in here, can I come in?" I saw Derek with the plate of fish and chips with me blueberry and blackberry smoothie.  

"Can I talk to you?" I'm going to open up to him, I don't think I should but I have known Derek for 4 months now, I can tell anything to him, he been more of a parent then I could ask.

"Couse, what's wrong?" Derek asked putting my plate on the desk and handing me the smoothie. He sat next to me and I waited for me to start talking.

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