New friends!!!

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"Hey, my name is Kaycii, I saw you in school yesterday. Why was you hanging with that weird girl?" A girl with bleach blond hair walked up to me, I was standing at my car.

"She was helping me get around school." I said looking up at her.

"Well, want to hang out?" I can guess that she is either being nice to me or she wants to humiliate me.

"Alright then, where do you wanna go?" I asked when we both got in the car, I started the engine and we set off out on the road.

"Anywhere, to the river in Lake Darvor, it's over there, some of my mates are meeting up." Kaycii said pointing out of the parkway and to the exit that possible lead to a dead end. I did what she said and drove to the exit, we drove down the road, then I saw about five teenagers, girls in bikinis and guys in trunks by the river. I stopped the car and we both got out.

"Hey, this is Cassidy, she new to school." Kaycii said joint them, I walked behind her, not as much as scared, just will they accept me because I hung around with that Harper girl.

"Yeah, she was hanging around with weird Harper." One girl in a blue and white bikini said, she had brown long hair, literally, near her waist. She was standing next to this other girl, wearing the same bikini, she had blonde hair and was tall.

"Yeah, you can hang with us, do you have a bikini?" The girl with the brown hair said staring at me, I looked then turned to the floor. " My name is Zoey, this is Jesy." Pointing to the girl next to her that had the same bikini.

"I'm Ricki, this is Nate and this is Calum." A tall tanned boy, in blue trunks stood, pointing to the individual guys that her said, they all had chocolate brown hair.

"As you know, you know Kaycii, Zoey and Jesy, my name is Charlotte and this is Hudson." She did the same as Ricki did. Charlotte had pastel blue hair and was wearing a black studded bikini. Hudson had long pastel pink hair and wore a pink pastel bikini on.

"No, I don't have a bikini, I really don't like the water anyway, I'll just stay here." Everyone started to walk to the river, I sat down on a blanket Kaycii said I could sit on, I watched as they all splashed and pushed each other in the water. Hudson walked back up to me, sat down with a black towel next to me.

"I know how it feels to me the new one, I was new about 4 weeks ago, they let me join the group, they are nice but you can't hang around with that Harper, that what they said to me the second day I went to school." She got out her cell and opened the contacts.

"What your cell number?" She looked at me smiling, surprised that her makeup didn't come off during the splash contest in the river.

"I don't have one, I smashed it two weeks before I moved. Dad won't let me have one until my birthday." I said looking at the floor.

"Well, I have an iPhone 5s at home that I don't use, I got an upgrade about a week ago so I have the iPhone 6, you can have my old one until you get another one." She stood up and put her clothes on.

"You don't have to do that." I was shocked, a girl I only knew for about 10 seconds is giving me her old cell.

"It's not a problem." She said walking to the river, she came back seconds later.

" I told them we are going to my house to get more things." She picked her bag up, I stood up and walked behind her.

We got in my car and drove off, we sat in silence before she started talking again.

"So where did you live before?" She asked turning the radio down and looking at me.

"Manhattan." I simply said turning right.

"New York." She sounded shocked. "I have always wanted to go there, is it nice at Christmas?" She asked acting like a silly puppy that I'm bring home for the fist time.

"Yeah, the mall where I used to live had the best lights in the city, we always on Christmas eve walked around the city looking at the lights" I said driving into Hudson street she pointed me to the house at the end, I pulled up and waited in the car.

She walked back into the car, she handed me the phone.

"We need to go to the apple store to get it unlocked, and get a new sim card and cell number." she put her seatbelt on and we drove off.


"Right, you can call us whenever now." she handed me the cell and we walked back to the car. "Lets go back to them now." I started the car and we went back to the river.

"You took forever." Kaycii said when we got back to the river, me and Hudson laughed. we sat down in the same place as before.

Charlotte and Jesy came and sat in front of me, Hudson and Kaycii. "So what are you doing tomorrow." Charlotte asked getting her cell out of her pocket.

"Nothing." I said looking at everyone doing their own thing, the boys were playing soccer near the water and me with the girls was on our cells.

"Well, we need another car, we are going on a road trip to Atlanta for the day." Kaycii said, at this point the boys walked up and sat beside us, Nate sat beside me and took my phone, I didn't argue, he was typing something.

"Hudson put my old cell number in here, here's mine." he handed my phone back.

"What are you girls talking about." Calum said looking at us.

"The road trip tomorrow, we was talking to Cassidy about it." Kaycii said laughing at Calum and Nate wrestling. "So can you come, we need more car space."

"I'll ask my dad, he properly say yes." I said laughing along with the girls.


"Do any of you need a lift home." I said when we got to the cars, the boys got into one with Kaycii.

"Well, we do," Charlotte, Hudson and Jesy said putting their hands up.

"Shot gun," Hudson shouted running to the passenger side of the car.

Me, Charlotte and Jesy laughed and walked to the car, Charlotte and Jesy got in the back, I got in the driver seat, started the engine, Hudson put on the radio, and I drove off.

Cassidy and KaidenDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora