Chapter 31- Troublemaker 2.0

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A/N: Last chapter! Enjoy!
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Emily's POV

***17 years later

I get off riding Alison's fingers when the doorbell rings. God must hate Ali and I having sex. "Mums I'm here," Sebastian shouts as he opens the door.

"Why is he so early?" Ali grumbles as she puts a bathrobe over her naked body. I'm wondering that myself. I gave birth to Sebastian around about a year after our trip to Paris. Ali didn't want to go through childbirth and I've told her that if we ever have another kid, she's definitely carrying. From how Sebastian behaves it's obvious he's inherited my genes. Not to mention, he looks a lot like me. He has brown hair but blue eyes and cares more about his football team than passing school.

"Seb, shouldn't you be at school?" I ask him as I hurry to the front door.

Sebastian noticeably pales as he looks down at my wrists. Fuck. I forgot to take the handcuffs off.

"Holy crap mum, please don't tell me those handcuffs were used for what I'm thinking," Sebastian says in shock.

"Language," Ali says from behind. Sebastian just scoffs. Ali's so determined to bring up Sebastian to be the perfect student that she was at Rosewood High. It will never work. Sebastian is too much like me. He's received countless detentions and the principal has threatened to have him suspended. Ali and I have had to go visit the school multiple times.

"So why are you here early?" I ask, avoiding his glances at the handcuffs.

He just passes me a piece of paper and I read it.

Dear Mrs DiLaurentis,

I am writing to inform you that Sebastian DiLaurentis has been suspended for smoking on school grounds and his sexual behaviour with girls.

Kind Regards,

Mr Tate, Headmaster

Ali reads the letter over my shoulder and lets out a sign. "Sebastian, what did you do with the girl?"

"How far did you get?" I asks with a smirk on my face.

"Em, you're meant to be telling him off, not congratulating him," Alison yells at me.

"Not that far, we just kissed behind the shed," Sebastian replies. It's clear Seb has inherited my troublemaker genes.

"Sebastian listen," Ali says in a serious tone, "I get it's fun being a troublemaker, I know. But you have to grow up and be serious too."

Sebastian replies, "I get it mum. I just don't know what else I can do. It's fun, people look up to you. Like they think you're cool and it feels great."

I speak up then, "Seb, trust me I was the troublemaker of Rosewood High. I smoked, ditched class and partied all weekend. I don't regret the fun, I regret the addiction. It's addicting I know. You get popularity, friends and the girls. But it stays with you forever. Smoking especially. At the start it seemed kind of cool and I didn't know it was an addiction until it was too late. Ali helped me quit and I wish it had happened sooner. Someday you'll find that special someone. But save yourself for them. It's addicting, I know. It's a fun lifestyle too, being the troublemaker. A little bit of trouble now and then is great. But control yourself. Trust me, it will be worth it when you find your special someone."

Ali hugs me from behind and kisses me on the cheek.

This usually made Sebastian make gagging noises but for once he was totally serious, "You were a troublemaker too mum? I can't imagine it," he tells me.

Ali kisses me again before saying, "Em was a troublemaker and now she's my troublemaker."

A/N: Thank you all for reading!!! Don't forget to like, comment, share, follow and all that stuff. I'm not sure whether I should start writing another story but if I did it would be either Emison fanfic or just GxG fic. We'll see ;) But anyway it means a lot to me that you have read this story. Let me know your thoughts either through comments or DM!

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