Chapter 17- Fragile Badass

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Alison's POV

Just as Emily and I are hugging I hear Hanna inhale on her cigarette. I whirl around at her.

"Stop smoking!" I tell her. Hanna doesn't care what I say.

Emily glares at Hanna and surprisingly takes my side, "Hanna, just cut it out." Hanna listens to Emily- of course she does. She drops the cigarette and stomps on it.

"You used to be fun Emily," Hanna jokes.

I turn to Emily and say, "I'll make you a deal and if you two both don't touch a cigarette until the end of the week then you can come over and swim at my place. You can sleep over Friday afternoon."

"Something tells me you aren't going to swim much. Have you had pool sex yet?" Hanna comments.

Emily speaks up, ignoring Hanna's comment, "Actually I've got a swim meet on Friday. How's Saturday at our place?"

That takes me by surprise. Emily swims? I try not to check her out but it must be pretty obvious that I'm eye-fucking her because Hanna says, "Yeah, Em's the best swimmer for Rosewood High and so her body's pretty damn toned." Hanna jumps up and feels Emily's stomach under her shirt suggestively. Emily slaps her hand away with a laugh.

"Fuck off, you're not allowed to touch me like that Marin."

I laugh along with them.

"Why is it so surprising that I swim Alison?" Emily asks.

"You never struck me as the commitment type," I tell her and it's the truth. I can't picture Emily getting up to train for swimming or listening to her coach's advice.

"Well um... I kind of need the money," Emily seems a bit embarrassed. I decide not to push the topic because it seems a bit touchy.

Hanna suddenly says, "So are you guys coming to English or what?" Her comment seems quick and out of place. Clearly she knows what Emily's going through with the swimming and money issue and is trying to avoid the subject. She really is loyal to Emily and I'm jealous that she's got a friend like that.

As we make our way back to the school building, Hanna says to Emily, "Em, we'll meet you in English. Alison and I just have to go to the bathroom."

No I don't. But I play along sensing it's something important. I trust Hanna even though she's such a troublemaker, mostly because Emily trusts her so much.

Emily looks suspicious and raises an eyebrow at me. She can probably see through the lie. For a brief second there is challenge in Emily's eyes, daring me to tell the truth but then it's gone and she plays dumb. "Ok, I'll see you guys in 10." She even jokes, "Marin, no funny business with my girlfriend in the bathroom."

Hanna mock-salutes as she pulls me away to the girls bathrooms. After she checks that we are alone in the bathrooms she starts, "Look Alison I know the fight wasn't serious or anything and it was probably Emily's fault but I'm just saying Em's... fragile." She hesitates for a second then continues, "I know she might like to pretend she's tough and queen bee but she's fragile and she once lived in a fucked up world. That's the only reason that she is such a bitch sometimes. And not that I doubt you or anything, but I swear to fucking god if you hurt her, I will fuck your world up so bad."

Her tone isn't accusing but it's protective and the threat is there. I don't know why Hanna is protecting Emily from me and I don't really understand why she says Emily is fragile. If you ask anyone at Rosewood High they would tell you the exact opposite. Emily is badass and doesn't give a crap about anyone. She isn't fragile. Nevertheless, I wouldn't hurt Emily. I love her.

"I love her Hanna and I won't do anything to hurt her." I do. I really love Emily. A while ago, I would've thought of it as impossible to fall in love with a trouble-maker like her. But our relationship is proof that it is possible. That anything is possible.

"You better not Blondie," Hanna tells me as we walk to English. I plonk down next in a seat next to Emily and Hanna sits on the other side. I don't tell Emily about Hanna's threat to me in the bathroom. I won't hurt her anyway so there's no point. I just wish someone would tell me what is going on, why Emily Fields is a fragile badass.

A/N: Sorry that this chapter was kinda boring with no Emison. :/ All will be explained soon! :)

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