Chapter 16- Teases and Sluts

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Emily's POV

Alison brings out the best in me. If there even is such a thing. Just being around her makes me want to be nice and caring and all those other things that I'm not used to being. Since she's become my girlfriend, I've barely ditched class and I'm trying harder than ever at swimming training. I'm already the best and I wouldn't ditch swimming for the world but I really want to impress Alison with my swimming. It's the only thing in my life that I haven't fucked up.

I want to kick my smoking habit too because I know exactly how Alison feels about smoking. I'm addicted as much as I hate to admit it, I don't have the mental strength to kick the habit.

I wait in the car and Ali gets in the car. I've been picking her up everyday to go to school. She hops into the passenger seat and we kiss for a second. She flinches back and looks at me incredulously.

"Stop smoking Emily! I know you like it and all and you probably think it's cool and makes you look tough but it doesn't! I can literally taste the cigarette on your lips!" Alison says to me.

Her saying that hurts me for some reason. I already know it's not cool and tough and that's not the reason I do it. It just helped me cope through a lot and other than swimming, it was the only constant thing in my life, that was always there for me.

"I can't Alison," I tell her softly.

"Why not?"

"I... I don't know how."

"Well, fine, every time you smoke one of those things I'm not kissing you for a day. You better get used to it or kick the habit."

I think about complaining for a second but I realise this might be what I need to have the strength to stop smoking.

Anyway, Alison's stubborn, once she decides on something, she doesn't give in. In a way, it reminds me of myself.

I chuck the cigarette that I'm smoking outside before I can regret it. I rummage in my pockets for the rest of the packet and hand it to Alison. "Here, come by my house after school and I'll give you the rest of the packets at home. So, do I get my kiss?"

Alison DiLaurentis means so fucking much to me. More than anyone ever. Maybe even more than Hanna.

Alison pockets the cigarette packet and looks at me in the eye. "Thank you Emily. Thank you for changing for me."

It's true I've changed for her. For her, I've given up my weekly one-night stands, for her I risked my social status, for her I'm now trying to quit smoking.

I don't say anything. I don't tell her that I'm somewhat grateful that I am quitting smoking but most importantly, I don't tell her how much I love her, because I love her more than words can say. So, I just show her.

I slam my lips onto hers with love not lust. I am just about to use tongue but before I can, Alison breaks the kiss. "Tsk, technically you've already had a cigarette so no kiss for you today Fields."

"Stop being such a tease," I snap. It comes out a lot harsher than I meant it too. I'm just so sexually frustrated.

"Just because you want to fuck everything you see, it doesn't mean I'm a tease," she retorts. With that, Alison storms out of my car and into school.

This is the first time we've argued, even though it's not that serious. I want to tell her to wait and apologise, but to be honest, I don't know how. I, Emily Fields, doesn't apologise, I don't even know how to. I always thought apologising was showing weakness, saying that you were less than them. I guess it's not, I guess it's acknowledging your mistakes. I want to say sorry to Alison but she's already gone into school and making a scene would be social suicide. I know Alison's not my slut, but I can't help it, I can't keep my hands off her. She's too damn beautiful.

I reach in my pocket for my cigarettes and my hands come out empty. All my cigarettes are with Alison who currently hates me. I smoke when I'm nervous.

I get to my locker and am about to get my books out when I glance at my timetable. Great. My first class is English. With Alison. Fuck it. I'm ditching. I text Hanna and tell her to meet me at the front gate, where we usually smoke. I need a cigarette.

I get to the gate and Hanna's waiting, already smoking. "Give me one," I snap at her.

"Where's yours?"

"Alison took them."

"Bitch doesn't know what she's doing," Hanna says as she hands me a cigarette.

"Actually I do. I'm helping her quit smoking," Alison's voice says as she walks towards us.

"Ali," I breath. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean you were a tease." It feels so weird to apologise but it makes me feel so much better. Alison looks at me and I continue, "It's just- I don't know why I even said that it was meant to be a joke. I guess I love you so much and it just hurts me to think that maybe you don't look at me in that way. I'm sorry. I fucked it up."

Alison's face gives way to a small smile. "Actually, I was here looking for you to apologise. I know I should've kissed you back but it was a joke and then I was calling you a slut and- Just sorry."

We embrace each other. I don't try and make a move on her or kiss her or do anything. I just hug her and for that moment we are two friends in love with each other.

A/N: Not my best chapter... but bear with me, I have exams in like 1 week

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