Chapter 27- Marry me? -A

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A/N: As mentioned previously, I'm going to have a few time jumps now to fasten the pace a bit.

********Time Jump: 5 years**********

Emily's POV

She gets me nervous every time. Alison Lauren DiLaurentis. I've gone on hundreds of dates with her and I know she's the one. She makes butterflies- no, fireworks- in my stomach every time we kiss. She makes me care about what I wear when we go on dates. She is my drug, my addiction, one I cannot overcome. She brings out the best in me. She makes me want to marry her. Which is why tonight, I am going to propose to her. I love her.

I have already picked out and bought a ring. It's a simple ring with just one jewel but I don't need a ring to know how much Ali means to me. The ring just makes it official. It's already packaged in a neat box and in my pocket and I fiddle with it while I wait for Ali to get into the car. My heart is pounding. I know she loves me, she tells me that almost every day, but maybe she doesn't love me as much as I love her. Maybe she doesn't love me enough to marry me. I love her too much to not give her a chance.

We have dinner like every other date. I order a carbonara pasta while Ali has a medium-well steak. Her favourite. I must be playing around with the pasta a bit too much because Ali says, "You okay Em?" This girl knows me so damn well. Just as I'm about to reply, my phone vibrates as I get a text from Hanna reading: Done yet Fields? I've got the cans ready in the car.

I've told Hanna about my plan tonight and she's going to be part of it. I am just about to pretend it's nothing but Ali reads the text from across the table. Her look says it all: You owe me an explanation now.

My heart is thumping when I get down on one knee in front of Alison- my lover, my girlfriend and friend. "Alison DiLaurentis, I promise to love you against reason, against promise, against peace, against hope, against happiness, against all discouragement that could be. So Alison Lauren DiLaurentis, will you marry me?" I get the ring out. People all around are cheering and clapping. I see a few people cast dirty looks- no doubt because we are both girls- but those people don't matter to me and they never will. The only person that matters right now is my girlfriend. My girlfriend who is currently in too much shock to give me much of an answer.

Finally she looks at me and says "Yes, of course, I love you so much Emily Fields."

"I am what you have made me. Take all the praise, take all the blame; take all the success, take all the failure; in short, take me," I say back, reciting the lines from Great Expectations that I memorised. I put the ring on Alison's finger. It looks perfect there. We belong together.

Alison helps me up to my feet and kisses me on the lips.

"What was that for?" I ask. Alison's hardly ever the one to start PDA.

"Do I need a reason? I love you Em," she smiles. "I would be even more impressed if you'd actually read Great Expectations."

I just look down at my feet and mumble something about how I don't like reading.

"I think you should probably get back to Hanna's text," Ali laughs.

"Hm... probably. She's waiting outside. But first, I want to finish this dinner with my beautiful fiancé."

We eat in silence but every now and then during the meal we glance up at the same time, look into each other's eyes and know that we are in love.


As we get into the car Hanna comments, "I'll say, by the ring on your ring you're engaged Ali, unless it's from a fuckboy."

"Pretty close, fuckgirl actually," Ali jokes.

"I can tell from the sounds that keep me up at night when you sleepover that Emily is a good fuckgirl." I just slap Hanna and force her to the backseat and Ali rides shotgun with me driving.

Hanna just says, "I'll go to the back. But please, don't fuck and drive. It's dangerous... believe me... I know."

We drive to the nearby park and try to ignore Hanna's terrible attempts at humour. It's fairly dark now and there is only one dull street lamp that keeps flickering on and off. I jump out the car and Hanna follows. Ali's a bit hesitant as despite her continuous questions, Hanna and I won't tell her what we are doing tonight. Hanna gets three spray painting cans out of her bag, all red. Red is always the best for graffiti, it stands out easily. She tosses two to me and I catch them, passing one to Ali. She looks at me and grins.

It's going to be fun and she knows it. We're breaking rules- hell, we are breaking the law- something a DiLaurentis could never do, but for today she doesn't have to be confined by her name and just for tonight she can be a troublemaker. My troublemaker.


Graffiti is fun. I've always known that. But it's so much more fun when you are doing it with the love of your life. It's even more fun when you feel the adrenaline rush going through your head when you hear the approaching police sirens. Someone must've seen us. Judging by the sound we have about a minute before the cops are here. Hanna knows it too, "One minute guys to wrap it up and get in the car." We are far too good at this to get caught. We spray-paint some more until Hanna calls out that we better get in the car in 10 seconds. Ali looks like she's having the most fun that she has ever had in her life. She is grinning from ear to ear and I am proud that I was the one who made her happy. Hanna and I both run for the car and I call out to Ali to do the same. We gear the engine but Ali is still spray-painting one last thing.

She is spraying a big red capital A on a white wall.

Looking pretty damn sexy at it too. "Get in the fucking car Ali," Hanna shouts. Ali doesn't stop. "We will leave without you Ali, leave it and let's go," Hanna yells again. But Ali isn't stopping until she's done. I hear the police approaching and they'll be here soon. I know no matter what Hanna says, she'll never leave Ali behind to get caught. That's not how she works. She can pretend to be a bitch but she's fiercely loyal. Ali isn't stopping and we both know it so we just wait for her. Once she finishes, she drops the can and runs to the car and we speed off. The cops will never know it was us.

I'm curious, "What was the A for Ali?" It must've meant something for her to risk getting caught. It can't just be an A for Alison can it?

"A for A-team," Alison pants. After catching her breath she continues, "I feel like I'm queen of the world today. I'm no longer a nobody. We are the A team. We may have our differences but today we were a team and no-one can beat us. We are the A team."

A/N: Thank you for reading! Idk... was the ending a bit random- with the A team thing? Let me know in the comments.

Also saw this thing on tumblr saying: The Emison ship can't sail because Shower Harvey used up all the water. (Link to the post: ) Actually thou...😂😂

Goodnight and hope everyone enjoyed today's episode!

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