Chapter 2-Partners

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Emily's POV

Who the fuck does this girl think she is? Hanna and I will smoke and it's going to take more than a few stupid school rules to stop us. "Mind your own fucking business," I retort. No-one can tell me what to do. The girl's sort of pretty, with her blonde hair that kind of reminds me of Hanna. But she's way too soft, she wouldn't survive a day with the business that Hanna and I get caught up in. I've clearly scared her because the new girl doesn't say anything now. She walks off to class and doesn't look back once. I guess she got the message: She shouldn't mess with me. Not unless she wants her life at Rosewood High to be a living hell.

"You scared her away didn't you?" Hanna laughs. I laugh with her and start coughing from the smoke. "She'll learn to stay the fuck away," I comment. She will. They all do. Otherwise they disappear.

After smoking for another hour or two we get bored and make our way to class. I have English first period which happens to be with Hanna. We forge our own late slips and get to class just as the teacher is rambling on about a group assignment we are getting today. I'll go with Hanna as always. I notice that the blonde girl from earlier is in my class to sitting at the front of the room, listening to every word the teacher says. I'm already dozing off at the back of the class. "I will pair you up according to your grades from last year. New students, I have also gotten your grades from your previous school and will still match you accordingly," the teacher's voice wakes me up. Whatever. I'll still be with Hanna. We both flunk all of our subjects because we really don't care. We have bigger worries in life than school. The teacher continues, "I am going to pair you so that the top of the class is with the bottom so that you guys can learn from each other." What the fuck? I'm not going to go with some nerd in class who gets A's in every subject.

"Which means Alison DiLaurentis..." the blonde from earlier stands up as the teacher continues, "will be paired with Emily Fields." Fuck. The blonde's smile turns into a frown and she turns around to face me. I like the idea even less than she does but there's no changing the teacher's mind. So that's her name: Alison DiLaurentis. Well may as well get to know her name since we have this bloody group assignment together.

She would've had to be top of class to be paired up with me. So what if she's smart? I tell myself. She's just a stuck-up new girl who thinks that she can go around bossing people around. She can't tell anyone to do anything and she'll learn that soon enough. Hanna is paired up with some guy called Alex while I'm stuck here with Alison freaking DiLaurentis.

Thanks for reading guys! If you haven't done so already, please check out my other PLL fanfiction 'Emison VS Hannily'. Love you all x

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