Chapter 3- Smoking Hot

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Alison's POV

"How about you write the introduction and the conclusion and I'll do the two body paragraphs. If you want, I'll even edit our two sections and put them together," I sigh. I feel like I've been repeating myself for the past hour, which technically, I have. Not that Emily Fields cares. All she cares about is her goddamn cigarette and nothing else. She takes a particularly long inhale and I know she's just trying to mock me. This girl has serious issues. It's obvious that she doesn't want to help and I feel sorry for whoever got paired up with her blonde friend, Hanna Marin or something. I was hoping that I'd at least get a partner that would split the workload. "Please Emily, just for one second can you just listen to me!" I yell in frustration. Bad idea. Emily exhales her cigarette smoke. In my face. Not to mention, we are at my house. No-one in my family smokes and now my lounge room is going to smell like cigarette smoke. But does Emily care? Of course not! As long she gets her stupid cigarette.

Emily looks at me and mocks me, "I have a good idea blondie. You do all the work and if you're good I'll sign my name at the bottom saying that I helped."

"It's a group assignment," I say.

"Does it look like I care?"

To be honest it would probably be easier if I actually did all the work because obviously Emily isn't going to be much of a help. But I'm far too stubborn for that to happen. I will show Emily that she just can't boss people around however she wants. Someone around here needs to.

Emily's pretty, she's confident and I see why all the guys like her. I'm not blind, I can see all the eyes checking her out in near the lockers and the whistles when she flirts with a guy. By the looks of it, Emily knows how popular she is too and that's why she still flirts even though she has a boyfriend called Ben. He's the typical popular jock at school who's into sports and a total flirt. There are plenty of rumors that Emily has a one night stand every Saturday night with a random guy from a club and she isn't denying any of the rumors. There are even rumors that she's done it with some girls too but I don't know if they're true. I wouldn't be surprised if she had. I've only been going to Rosewood High for a week and it's already pretty obvious who's popular and who's not. Emily Fields is of course queen bee, she wouldn't have it any other way.

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