Chapter 23- Prom

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Emily's POV

"Hey Ali, I was wondering if you'd like to go to prom with me?" I ask after a heated make-out session.

"I was wondering when you'd get around to asking baby," she tells me as she smothers me in more kisses. She plants kisses on my collarbone while her other hand traces circles onto my naked stomach.

Ali's kisses get lower and lower down my body and she stops for a second at my belly-button. I'm not going to let her have it that easily. Before she gets any lower I groan as I get up and say, "We're going to be late for school Ali, keep it in your pants." Ali's a mix between amused and disappointed.

"What is this? The great Emily Fields turning down sex? To get to school of all place?" Ali remarks. I laugh. I've changed so much since going out with Ali, I've almost had perfect attendance and the only time that I didn't go to school was when I was sick. That day, Ali came and visited and we had sex so I didn't miss too much.

We get ready for school and only just manage to make it to class before the bell rings. All around us are banners telling people to cast their votes for Prom Queen and King. Ali's forced me to run for Prom Queen even though she's is too shy to. Rumors have it that I'm winning by a mile. I've never cared about any of this prom business, it's actually the first I have ever even attended. I used to care much more about getting wasted and having sex on Friday nights than going to stupid proms. But since I have the most amazing date and I don't do one night stands, I'm going this year.

All around me at lunchtimes people come up to me and tell me that they're voting for me. I was popular before but now I think I've become more approachable. At lunch Alison has band practice so Hanna comes to sit beside me she says, "So are the rumors true? Miss Queen Bee Fields thinks the prom is cool enough for her this year?"

I chuck a cheeseball at her face and it hits her nose perfectly to fall onto her lap. "Yeah whatever," I mumble.

"You are taking Ali aren't you?"

"Mhm..." I nod.

Hanna senses that I'm worried about something. "Fields, spill it."

I feel stupid for even saying it but I tell her, "I've just never done this before. No-one knows it but I'm totally socially awkward and I've told Ali that I'll pick her up at 6 on prom night but I don't even know what car to drive, or what to wear or even what to say." Once I start talking I can't stop, "I mean Ali and I have gone on dates, they were just really informal and I could do whatever I want and wear whatever and just make out with her a lot. But prom? I'm running for prom queen and I've never even been to a prom."

Hanna's eyes widen but then she bursts out laughing. Typical Hanna. I glare at her and she gazes coolly at me. No, not at me. Behind me. Alison.

Alison is standing right behind me. Finally breaking the silence she says, "Aw babe, you don't have to worry. You can still wear whatever you want and drive your car and say whatever you want. And we can still make out after."

"You can carpool with me and my date if you like," Hanna adds.

Ali and I both swirl around to face Hanna in shock. Prom is not Hanna's scene. Hanna's scene is a drunken one-night stand at a club. She has never been to a school event in her life other than a couple swim meets that I dragged her along to. I never even realised she was going to prom.

"Jeez guys, calm down, it's just prom. I'm going with Caleb," Hanna adds nonchalantly while Ali and I are still recovering from the fact that Hanna is attending a school function.

"Caleb... Rivers right?" I ask. Hanna has never been in a relationship for this long, much less gone on a date that doesn't involve straight fucking. I may as well get to know his name if things are getting serious between him and my best friend.

"That's the one," Hanna confirms. I always thought he was kind of hot and I guess he is kind of popular ever since he dated Mona for a bit but I didn't know that he was Hanna's type. I guess I thought wrong. All kinds of people are showing commitment these days.


Even though I desperately try to calm my nerves, I still cannot keep still. Hanna may have not ever attended school functions, but I am not much better. I've only ever gone to swim meets and a few sporting events. Caleb picks me and Hanna up from our house and we drive to Alison's house. I drive and I let the two lovers in at the back. I could almost swear they were having sex with me driving about a metre away from them. The only reason I agreed to driving us there is because I have a flask of vodka tucked into a small flap to calm my nerves so there's no way I'll be driving later.

I pull over on Alison's driveway and walk up to the front door. Mr DiLaurentis answers the door, "Hello Emily. Looking great tonight. Ali will be down in a minute." Although I didn't put in half as many hours into my looks as Hanna, I still tried to look good for the night. I've plaited my hair down the back and I am wearing a long blue dress to complement Ali's white one that she told me she is going to wear.

Alison comes to the front door and I see that I have made the perfect choice of colour for my dress. Ali has her hair in a messy bun and it makes her look so damn sexy. Her legs look so long. The moment we reach the venue, I fumble for my alcohol and take a long sip of vodka. It burns down my throat but it helps to get rid of some of the nerves.

When we get there, there are already heaps of people dancing on the dance for floor. It is a slow song and so people are slowly swaying to the beat. They've actually got a pretty decent DJ with a good taste in music. Of course, there are a few socially-awkward boys standing around the edges of the crowd, secretly eyeing the girls they want. They should really grow a pair. Other than them, everyone else seems to be enjoying their time with their date. I spot Mona and Noel hooking up behind the curtain. I heard Mona is running for Prom Queen too, but she doesn't have many votes especially since the bullying incident with Ali. It's my first prom ever and as the night progresses I rely on my vodka less and less as I become more confident.

It's also the first time that I've seen Hanna and Caleb together and they are the definition of love (#Haleb). During songs I see them gazing into each others eyes and they forget the world around them. That must be what I look like when I'm dancing with Ali. For my first prom, I enjoy myself a lot and I already have plans to go next year.

It is amazing how quiet the student council captain clearing his throat in front of a microphone can get a student body. I guess this is when they're going to announce the Prom King and Queen. "The Prom King is..."

A drumroll sounds.

"...Noel Kahn!" No surprise there. Noel is by far and large the most popular boy at Rosewood High. And surprisingly, beyond his cockiness, he is actually incredibly sweet to everyone. I see him break his mouth-lock with Mona to walk up on stage to collect his crown. Although he has a nonchalant façade on his face, I know being Prom King means a lot to him. When we used to hook up, he always begged me to be his date to prom so that we could be Prom King and Queen together. Noel's got his bored look mastered for when he stands on stage with his crown.

"And now, for the Prom Queen. The Prom Queen for this year is...."

A/N: I think this makes for the longest chapter yet! Read in a couple days to find out who is Prom Queen haha sorry not sorry for the cliffhanger ;)

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