Chapter 56

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(Skip to barely 8 months prego.)

"I'll see you later, Nate. Me and Lycia are gonna go shopping for the baby shower." I said leaning over a kiss.

"Don't you think you should take it a little easy. You're do in a couple weeks." He said with a worried confused look on my face.

"Relax. We're just gonna walk around and buy stuff. I promise we'll be back." I said to assure him.

"Okay. Don't hesitate to call me if you're feeing uncomfortable or in pain. And I might not be here when you get back. All the boys are in town for a couple months."
He said smiling brightly at me with his deep little dimples. His dimples were the only thing that reminded me that we were having kids together. His dimples were so deep I couldn't deal.

"That's great. You need some guy time anyways." I said pulling his old sweatshirt over me since that was the only thing that could fit me. None of my clothes couldn't even fit an inch of my body. My


"What are we buying. Anyways?" I asked wresting my hand on my bloated belly.

"I'm not sure. What's the gender?" She asked with smirk in her eyes.

"Don't freak out but their..."

"Their?" She asked with an alarmed looked on her face.

"Yes their...Surprise." I said shaking my hands to make it more surprising.

"Oh my god. Congratulations. Man I can't wait to meet my god children." She squealed.

"God daughters." I said with a smile. Smiling at her proudly.

"Oh my god. Anything else you wanna tell me?" She asked looking astonished.

"Nope. That's pretty much it." I said.

"Right so is Nate the only one that knows?" I nodded my head.

It's been months since I got the news and I still haven't still told anyone but Nate and Now Lycia.

Everyone was coming to the baby shower and the news would be cracked soon. Was I nervous? Hell yeah but it was gonna come out sooner or later.


Today we bought lots of blowup balloons to leave as decorations on the floor. We've bought colored banners and table cloth. We went with the color pink and white as the theme since they were girls we wanted a surprise the guest.

We bought little bottles to fill up with candy, nail polish for the guest to take with them at the end of the party, good bags aka purses filled with goods. This was gonna be the best baby shower.

I was gonna make this moment special for my two baby girls before I meet them. It was gonna be the best baby shower of all time Even though the babyshower was bad timing considering I could give birth at any giving point. I was gonna make the best of it.


"Hello boys." I introduced as I walked into the house to see both Jacks, Sammy, Kenny, and another kid who I recognized who went to school with us. His name was Matt but we never talked. We have but not as good friends.

I set the bags down before walking out to get the other dozens of bags sat outside the door. I know I wasn't supposed to be lifting but I didn't want to portray as weak or something but at this point I couldn't take this much so I spoke up.

"Boys. Can you get the wrest of the bags?" I asked as I groaned setting a hand on my stomach.

All the boys stood up walking outside to get the wrest of the bags as Nate spoke.

"I'm glad you asked us of help. These bags are heavy."

"Yeah. They are. Did you carry these up the stairs yourself?" Sammy asked as I nodded my head.

"You're kidding right?" Nate said with a skeptical angry look on his face. Here we go again.

"Nope. I am. It's not a big deal."

"It's not a big deal? You're pregnant for gods sake, Rachel." Nate guested as the wrest of the boys walked into the living room giving us some privacy.

"You're overreacting." I said looking into the fridge for food.

I heard him take deep breaths as he didn't say anything. I don't know why I even said that. I knew he was right. I wasn't supposed to be lifting and my body was beginning to ache from moving so much.

"You could've called me to help!" He said out bursted.

"I didn't know you were home and I didn't wanna interrupt you're guy time." I said feeling my emotions well up and before I knew it, tears were rushing down my cheeks. I don't even know why I'm crying. Actually I did. I was crying because he was yelling and I knew that If something were to happen to the girls, that it would be all my fault. And I couldn't imagine it even if I was forced to.

"Why are you crying?" He asked rushing over to me.

"I'm not. It's just my hormones." I lied turning my back towards him and wiping my eyes quickly.

"Don't lie. I'm sorry for yelling I was just mad. Ok?" He said wrapping his arms from behind and rubbing my belly making me moan. Cause god I needed that. I'm sore then a mother trucker.

After standing their for a while he decided to accompany the boys who were patiently waiting in the den.

Well the babyshower was gonna be exciting. Am I right?

I'm hungry .

okay so what the fuck. Did you guys here "Drag Me Down" ? I really loved it y'all don't understand !

Hope you guys vote . Love you!!!

Nothing To A King // Nate MaloleyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin