Getting Pranked

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A/N😈 - thank the lord vidcon's over, now the wait for next year;) I just watched Caspar and Joe prank each other for the millionth time so i got an idea also i have a new book 'BBDH' if you wanna check it out! Thanks lovies:)

Coming home from work is harsh already, not to mention coming home being pranked. Well guess what, that's exactly what happened.

It was around 8am and Dan was acting really spacious, you know trying to hide stuff. Stuttering when he talks to you.

You found that odd and decided to do a bit of snooping around the house.

You searched around the kitchen and found a go pro in the drawer. Good going. Dan.

Picking up the expensive $300 go pro and storming into Dan's room.

"DAN!" You yell.

"Oh hey babe" He says, once he sees whats in your hand he immediately becomes tense.

"Um erm, where did you find that?" He asks awkwardly.

"In the kitchen drawer, care to explain?" He just sits there quietly before looking at the clock.

"Would you look at that, it's time for work, see you later babe" He says ushering you out the door, with a kiss on the cheek.

You didn't feel like arguing and you sure as hell didn't want to be late for work.

You strutted down the street to starbucks. "Hey Kaila" You say, greeting your co worker.

"Hey Y/N, you seem tense, wanna talk during break?" You gladly agree and begin your shift.

Before you know it, it's 12 and you're on your break. "Kaila" You call as she comes and sits with you.

"So what did you wanna talk about?" She asks.

"Oh well, you date a prankster...right?" She nods. (lets just say she's dating Vitaly bc why not)

"Has he ever pranked you?" She sighs and rolls her eyes.

"Too many" She huffs, taking a sip of her drink.

"Why?" You tense up.

"Well I was wondering, did you ever pay attention to his actions before he pranked you? Like was he playing it cool or did he seem nervous?" Her eyes go wide.

"Dan's trying to prank you isn't he?" You giggle and reply, "I sure hope not but by the looks of it I think he is" She laughs and sips her drink.

"Tell me what he's been doing?" You told her everything, from the go pro in the fucking drawer to him ushering you out of his room and being distant.

When you're done she gives you the  shit-gurl look.

"So?" You ask nervously.

"Well um..." She stammers.

"KAILA!" You yell, being impatient.

"FINE!" She huffs, "Dan's trying to prank you" You roll your eyes and breathe heavily.

"You sure?" She nods.

"Oh goodness!" You say, hyperventilating in the middle of starbucks.

"Y/N calm down! Now you know, you can be prepared!" Shes right. Now that you've figured out Dan's 'shit going' plan, you can prepare.

"Thanks Kaila" She smiles and returns to her shift.

Work is over and you've said goodbye to Kaila and your other friends and are now heading home to a bloody shit storm.

Honestly you never thought 'pranking' was in Dan's books. Just because he's too lazy or it's too much set up work.

You walk up to the flat door and breathe in. You might know you're being pranked but you're utterly oblivious to what he's pranking you on.

"Dan?" You call out into the flat.

Of course, no answer.

"DAN!" You call louder.

"Oh for Christ-" *BANG* coming from Dan's room.

You could've sworn you saw your heart jump out of your chest.

"Dan?" You call walking into your room.

You walk up to your bed and plop down. What the actual fu-

*SPLASH* Right on your head, down came a full bucket of water, covering you and some of the bed spread.

"DAN!" You scream, as he comes in laughing.

"OH MY GOD!" He says crying of laughter.

"I HATE YOU!" You yell before storming out.

"Y/N!" He says pulling your arm.

"I'm sorry love, I wanted to see how bad I would fail. I guess I didn't" He giggles pecking your lips.

"I still hate you" You mumble.

"You love me!" He says hugging your waist.

"Nope" You say popping the 'p'.

"Well I love you" He spins you around and brings you into a passionate kiss.

"Okay maybe I love you too" You quickly kiss him back and run into your room to get changed.

He's going to get it.

Thanks for reading💛
Love my 3.9k💋
As always,

𝐃𝐚𝐧 𝐇𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐥 ✧・゚:  𝑰𝒎𝒂𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒆Where stories live. Discover now