Trouble Sleeping and Fights

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A/N - So I was thinking and I wanted to say that if you're going to request something please don't request 'Dan or y/n dying' because I will simply not write that. I can barley read those types of imagines let alone write them so please don't. Picturing yourself with Dan in love and suddenly he dies or whatever, is just absolutely heartbreaking. So I wont do those, but here's another imagine.

Warning - (Kinda Triggering, not sure)

It's been a long day, coming home from a difficult day at work. 12 pm. Shit, Dan (your boyfriend) will be terribly worried.

You walk up to the flat hugging your purse, scurrying for the keys. You unlock the door and walk inside. You fling your purse down and look up and see Dan sitting there wide eyed.

"Y/N WHERE WERE YOU?" He asks running up to you.

"I had a difficult day at work and I went out for a while" He huffs.

"What?" You ask.

"You could've told me!" He shouts moving close to you.

"Dan, my phone was dead. I was in tears. I didn't want to ruin your day with mine." You sigh and start walking to yours and Dan's room.

"Y/N." Dan says pulling your arm.

"What were you doing after work?" He says looking worried.

"I went out to grab a bite to eat with a co worker." He looks shocked, like what.

"You what? With who?" He asks.

"Jacob..." You say shocked he's being so over dramatic.

"WHAT THE HELL, YOU WENT OUT WITH ANOTHER BOY AND DIDN'T TELL ME?" Before you could explain that Jacob was gay, Dan storms out of the room mumbling the words "fucking bitch" under his breath. Which you could clearly hear.

He slams the door shut leaving you in the kitchen.

It took you a while to comprehend what just happened but when you did you felt tears blur your vision, collapsing to the floor.

"W-w-what" You mutter, lip quivering.

"Why" You whisper again, sitting on the floor.

You pull yourself up and run to the washroom. Dan probably heard your speedy steps down the hall but he didn't care.

You're now flooding with tears, making every step harder as your vision gets clouded.

"Where is it!" You stutter, frantically searching for the little blade.

You find the cold blade sitting behind some soaps in the cabinet.

You obviously hid it from Dan because if he found out he would hate you. Not like that would make a difference and this point.

You were in your pj's cleaning up the blood on your arm.

"What the fuck" You mutter, shocked at the amount of blood coming out of your arm.

You  manage to find a long bandage and wrap it around your arm. You didn't want to intrude on Dan since he would probably run out with the intent to murder you, so you went and lied on the couch.

Dan's P.O.V

I lay on our bed doing nothing. Nothing. Not even tumblr. Just starring at the ceiling. What have I done. I broke my baby's heart. She probably ran away or just stayed there.

I couldn't take it anymore so I went outside into the bathroom. As I walk in I notice something, out of place...

I look down to see little droplets of blood splattered on the floor.

My heart starts racing and my brain goes into panic mode.

What did she do!?

I run out into the lounge to see Y/N lying on the couch with a bandage on her arm. She looked so bloody perfect.

"Y/N!" I run to her as she springs up and backs up.

"Please don't hurt me..." She whines, balling up in the corner of the couch.

"W-w-what?" I stutter, in shock she thought I would hurt her.

I put my hand on her arm, slowly stroking it.

"I would never hurt you love" I whisper sitting beside her.

Your P.O.V

You sit there in silence and watch as Dan plops himself next to you.

"I'm sorry! What happened to your arm love?" He says wrapping his long arms around you.

"I-I-I" You stutter, feeling as if you should show him.

He looks at you concerned and watches as you take off the bandage revealing a huge gash on your arm. You went all the way up your forearm.

His mouth drops open as tears brim his eyes.

"I'm sorry!" You yell pulling your arm away.

He still sits there but his eyes now dripping with tears.

"Baby, I didn't know you-" You cut him off.

"You hate me, I know! Just get it over with. Kill me for all I care" He sits there starring at you like you've just killed someone.

"WHAT!?" He says grabbing your waist.

"I WOULD NEVER!" He cries into your neck.

"I love you Dan!" You say as you bunch up onto his lap.

"I love you so much baby, please never say or do anything like this ever again!" He says kissing your cheek.


"Mm?" He mumbles.

"Jacob's gay" Expression completely disappears from his face.

"What! I'm so sorry, I didn't know. I should've let you talk Y/N! I love you so much and I'm so sorry." He says pecking you on the lips.

You give him a smile and let him pick you up. He takes you to your guy's room and lies you on the bed.

You bunch up onto his chest and rest your head in the crock of his neck.

"Goodnight Dan"

"Goodnight love" He says with a kiss on the forehead.

Thanks for reading💛
Love my 2.8k💋
As always,

𝐃𝐚𝐧 𝐇𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐥 ✧・゚:  𝑰𝒎𝒂𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒆Where stories live. Discover now