Week One~

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It was Sunday , tomorrow would begin the countdown of the beginning of the weeks till the party. I had to talk to my mom about having it at the small revenue center around the ways .[

I headed downstairs she seemed to be making some coffee " Ah Miya , would you like some " She smiled at me I nodded my head and hopped up on the kitchen counter she turned around and handed me a mug filled with steaming hot coffee with cream and sugar . "So you have any plans or your birthday Miya or are we gonna do the usual movie night " I sighed I know my mom wanted me to do something different this year . 

"Actually ma .. me and kisum are going to have a little birthday gathering " I said shyly , I heard a gasp coming from he r and her eyes lit up like fireworks. " Oh really!! , Where do  you want to have I know Mr.Jung has that nice revune place and he knew you since you where in -" She continued to ramble before i grabbed her shoulders. 

" MA , I get I get , can you just get the revnue place for us pleaaaseee" I started to laugh I finished my coffee . 

Part one of the part complete , now to get invitations prepared . I decided to call up Kisum to come over so we could do them . 

-Time Hop-

"Phew all invitations done " Kisum sighed back we had a stack of invitations light coral with little ribbons in big letters KISUM AND MIYA BIRTHDAY EXTRAV-WHATS -IT-TO-YA !! it was Kisum idea for the name she is weirdo . 

It was about 5:00 in the afternoon so we decided to go to school early to put them in peoples lockers we made small goodybags also my mothers idea .

I sent a text to Leslie .. it was suicide but I had to try to make amends.

-Leslie , I know we aren't the best of friends , well shit friends at all but I would love for you to attend me and Kisums party . Since Amber is coming so should you (: 

It didn't take long before i got the most fakest text ever I can feel the bitchyness off of her even through my phone . 

Leslie-I cant wait! I was waiting for an invite since you decided to invite my girlfriend and not me but ya know 

I wanted to vomit , Kisum was sleeping over since it was getting really late . 

-Next day -

We headed to school early and began to place the invitations and and goody bags onto lockers . I bumped into Jackson as I was going to give one to BamBam .Dropping everything , he helped me pick them up .

" Aish -Miya ,, you know you're really cute .. sad amber doesn't see it " Jackson said with a smile / smirk and handed me the last invite . I gave him a weird glare I just smiled at him and headed to my class before the morning bell ranged .

I Headed to History class Amber was smiling at , god .. I missed it , Miya no act like you don't like her anymore . We sat together and talked about my party I could barley breathe . I liked her so much but I had to let go of something i cant have .

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