"Alright pup, if you are to be a pack, tell me what your distinctive pack name shall be". He said, ignoring the protective growls of my second,third, and fourth in command. "We will be known as the Midnight Dusk pack sir. Also, I apologize for my acquaintances actions; they are protective of me". I said, and he chuckled. "Well, I can understand that miss; you are their alpha, they are loyal to you already it seems". He smiled, gave me a thumbs up and sat back down. His mate got up and grinned at us. "Well, it seems you have passed all tests. If you believe this wolf should be able to form a pack, and is worthy as their alpha, raise your left hand". She boomed, while raising her own left hand. Each council member looked at me, before smiling and raising their own hands.

"Well, it seems you passed alpha". She said, smiling at me. Now, all four of you, raise your left hand and repeat what I say". She instructed. We nodded and raised our hands. "I.. Say your name.. vow to be forever loyal to my pack,and protect all members within it, even if it costs me my life!" She said. We all repeated the words and she smiled, and another council member came up, holding a glass of water.

"This is the cup of packs, it is enchanted to keep the entire pack together, and ties a wolf to their pack. Each pack has their own, each of you will take a sip". He explained to us. "Yes sir". We said, and I took the first sip, then passed it to Claire, who passed it to Katie and then Elliot. He took the cup and layed it back on the table before sitting back down in his seat. Another got up and in her hand was a blade with a wooden handle, with latin words inscribed into it. "This is an enchanted blade, which is used to fuse the alpha's blood with new members to make them a pack. You each with make a slash on your hand and then hold your hand against the alpha's, to fuse your bond". She said and handed me the blade. "Its now or never". Midnight said, and I nodded, and slid the blade against my hand, making a long gash, blood spilling from it. I handed the blade to the others and with each gash, they held their hand against mine and our blood fused. Suddenly I felt power and authority fill me, making my eyes widen in surprise.

"Well it looks like Alpha Kaylee has felt the alpha power fill her". The man that saved us earlier said. "Indeed Drake, she has". The council member said. "Jeez.. We really feel your authority now alpha.. Your aura screams power!" Elliot laughed. I smiled at him, and thanked the elders as they handed me the blade and cup. "Good luck alpha Kaylee!" Drake said, as we left.

*Skipping back to pack*

"Alpha you've all returned!" Donovan, a pack mate said. I fake gasped. "You thought I would abandon you all? How could you!" I exclaimed dramatically, and his face turned to horror. "N-no alpha! That is not what I meant! Forgive me!!" He said, getting on his knees. My eyes widened in terror before holding both arms out in front of me. "Woah there! I was kidding! I am terribly sorry I did not make that clear Donovan!" I said, and he started to laugh. "Got 'ya!!! You should've seen your face!! You looked like you were a character in a horror film!" He laughed loudly, holding his belly. I rolled my eyes before I chuckled myself, and lightly pushed him". I then ran to a boulder.

I climbed onto the large boulder that so happened to be in the middle of the territory and all pack members stopped to look at me. "All of you, I need you to make a single file line and come up to the stage so you all can become members of this pack!" I ordered, and began the process as the sixty-eight wolves all lined up.

Once we were done I shifted, and looked down at my pack. I nodded proud, and howled. All slowly started to shift and howl with me. "We are the Midnight Dusk pack! Let us make our own stories and remember this history making day for the rest of our lives!" I said through our new pack mind link. I wolf grinned as I heard the cheers of my pack mates through the link and howled again. Our song echoing throughout the forest as we all howled, not having a care in the world.


icture of Katie on the side! ^_^

Hey guys! This update is likely pretty bad, since I am writing this off my head at I think one in the morning? Let me check.. Oh! ten minutes until one, so pretty close!!!! Welp I hope you all liked it. Tell me what you think, and I will reply! You all help make my story better!!

Later on, I will post an update on the characters, and hopefully another chapter! Then edit this chapter if I believe its not as it should be! Have a wonderful day guys :)


The Female Alphaحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن