New memories

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Summary of what's happened so far: Neal came back from the dead and managed to separate Hook and Emma. Hook ends up in  an accident when trying to leave town and loses all his memories, only remembering the ones from the Enchanted Forest. It turns out that Milah is also alive and will do anything to get back at Emma. But one's thing's for sure, Emma Swan never gives up.

Recently: "I feel like I know you, were you my girlfriend or something?" He asks, the last part in a joking, teasing manner. I gulp and say the next words no matter how nervous it makes me. "Yes I was." And then, I do the thing I should have done, instead of Milah. I kiss him.

I really did it, I kissed him. I feel as if he's about to pull back but all of a sudden, he doesn't. We just stay there, in each other's embrace, regardless my nervousness and regardless, him not remembering. "Do you have proof?" He suddenly asks me, after minutes of uncomfortable silence. Now, I didn't expect him to just believe it like that but, I had hoped, part of me had hoped that he would just believe it. I sigh and nod, bringing out the bag that I was holding earlier.

The bag full of memories. I hand him the bag, carefully and I hesitate for a moment, what if something goes wrong and he drops the bag? He takes it from me, even though he sees my anxious face. He wants proof because he doesn't believe me. "When was this?" He asks me. I look at a picture in a wooden frame and I tell him,

"It was the day we went on our first date. You had been asking me and flirting with me and annoying me until I finally decided to let go of my past, and give love another chance." He examines me closely while I tell him this and he speaks again, "You're not lying." I nod and then I can't help but wonder how he can tell that I'm telling the truth. 

"You're an open book, by the way." he tells me, going through the bag. Open book...

Those two words take me back to when we first met. When I didn't really like him and found him quite annoying at first, until we started talking a bit about our past, him guessing most of mine and he told me that he could tell that I was an orphan because I was an open book.

"Emma?" Killian asks me, tearing me away from my thoughts. "Hmm?" I ask. "You were spacing out, he tells me, are you okay?" He asks, genuinely worried about me which sends butterflies flying in my stomach. "Yeah, I answer, just thinking."I-I remember this." He tells me, his eyes shining and I look down to see the necklace that I used to wear. The one Neal gave me, the one that I wore to show never to trust again then I gave it to Killian. As a promise, that he had my trust. 

My heart thumps in my chest as he tells me what happened that day. "Yes, I say, that's what happened." I can't hold my smile any longer and I let it show. Then he has an idea."Let's make new memories." he tells me suddenly. 

"What?" I ask him, confused at his words. "Let's make new memories until I remember. And I will. You can help me remember, Emma." My smile only grows and my heart skips faster and faster. I grab a camera that was in my purse and he takes my hand, dragging me into town. I would get him back no matter what it took, that was my promise to myself.

He took me to an ice cream parlour. "Which flavour would you like?" "Lemon shortcake." We both say together and then look at each other, laughing.

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