Falling again

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Recently in Ghosts of the Past: Raven has revealed her identity to Snow and Henry, her captives and even some of her past but she still can't be trusted. What are her intentions in Storybrooke? Meanwhile Emma and Regina have fallen through a portal into an unknown land but, why are Emma's powers suddenly turning against her? Could Raven have something to do with it...Or maybe even Hook? And could it be that Raven's powers are even more powerful than the Dark One's powers?

Chapter Eleven: Falling again

Emma gave a small scream before her hands couldn't hold on the edges of the hole in the floor. Regina was using magic to hold on and trying to lift herself up but it wasn't long before both gave in, even if only for a second and fell down a deep, deep hole that never seemed to end. They both shrieked, the falling sensation scaring both of them, it felt like hours, then days, then weeks had passed until they finally reached the end and fell with a loud 'oumph'. Dark green grass surrounded them,  a bitter chill ran through the dead and dying trees. The branches looked as if they would grab them and pull them into the unknown. It was taunting.

The sky was literally pitch black, barely any light to guide them. Emma looked around, her hands in front of her as she blindly stumbled through the forest, Regina at her side was doing the very same since somehow, their powers would not light up the forest. "This isn't good.." Regina hissed and Emma rolled her eyes, "Gee, you think? We have to do something about this, we can't just walk like zombies through the entire forest." Sparrows and ravens could be heard in the distance, but their calls were hesitant as if they were scared of being shot.

A small, tattered playing card flew down to the ground and Regina grabbed it, when they held it to the moonlight, they could barely see the image on the card but it was clear. It was the Queen of Hearts.

"So...you fell for this immature trap. The saviour and the Evil Queen fell for, well, this." A shadow in the dark put her hands out, obviously referring to how they had fallen down the portal, Emma squinted her eyes, trying to see her face, then her eyes glowed and she stepped back, holding her gun in her hand. The girl, still not showing herself scoffed. "You think that's going to do anything? Try...I dare you...Swan." Regina took a step forward to the girl, determined to hurt her but the girl's fingertips touched Regina and she felt a buzz run through her body. Electricity.

"What are you?" Regina muttered, taking a step back, just like Emma had and the girl came closer, with a small sigh. "What? How rude...I'm a who." Emma glared at Regina but her glare was unseen in the dark, she stepped closer to the girl. "Okay then, who are you?"

Raven's head titled to the side, her lips pursed as her eyes seemed to be piercing and staring into Emma's soul. "Don't you know? Don't you remember, Emma? My name is Raven." Her voice was suddenly silvery and soft, almost as if in a trance. Raven...something about the name, Regina thought, was familiar but...I can't put my name on it. Who I am isn't the most important thing right now. I need to find The Dark One." Both their heads snapped to her, with amused, knowing looks. "You're not the first to-"

"Come and seek revenge, yes, yes, your son, Henry mentioned that." Regina and Emma's eyes both widened at hearing the name 'Henry' "Give me the information that I want..or," Raven flashed a picture in the middle of her, Henry and Snow talking, unknown to them that they were standing almost on the edge of a cliff, "I will kill them." "How...how can you be here and there?" Regina asked, a hint of fear in her voice that she was trying to hide by acting casual.

"I won't give my secrets to amateurs. Take me to the Dark One, we have something to catch up on, but first, I'll show you a bit of what he did to me," She grabbed their arms and they all dissolved into smoke and black rose petals, before appearing somewhere else. Black and purple smoke surrounded them like fog making it even harder to see. When the fog cleared up, they saw they were in a village, that was on fire, burning. Flames that seemed to eat anything in its way. Screams and cries filled the air. A small girl, was running screaming for her mother, a girl with black hair that reached her shoulders and violet purple eyes, she looked around ten years old. Then one scream filled the air, "Raven!" It was a woman's desperate scream before the flames engulfed her.

Then they realized the girl with the purple eyes was the same girl standing next to them.

"He burned your village down." Regina whispered. Raven nodded. I was just a child when I lost my parents. I watched them burn because of a deal he had made in return for poison. I lost my parents, my home, my friends, everything I had so he could get a vial of poison."

Emma's eyes softened. She felt pity for the girl. "But you weren't the only one who survived. That's another reason why you're here." Emma guessed. Raven nodded and sighed. "My younger sister, she two years younger than me. I know she survived the fire, we stayed together for a week then one night I heard her screaming but when I got to where she was, she was gone. I thought...since after the curse, maybe she'd be in Storybrooke. So that I could find her again. If she's even alive."

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