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A/N: Sorry it took me SO long to update. I will start putting up more chapters soon. I just thought that this story wasn't liked much so I left it for a bit :/ Anyways, thanks for the comments. I'm back! :D Here's the new, long awaited chapter.

I wondered if he was going to be fine. Neal was long gone when we arrived, he had just left him there. The ambulance had came and taken him away, I had insisted to come, no matter what they said to me. I wouldn't leave him. Ever again. I've been waiting for hours for any kind of news. Apparently, something else happened to him. Not only, did he get pushed over the line but also, some dark magic was in him, it was blocking him from getting better, I knew what that meant.

"I could kiss him. You know, true love's kiss?" I asked. Dr Whale nodded and gave us some privacy. "I know this is rushed but...I do feel this way." I tell him, my voice quiet. "Please Killian, please work." I lean down slowly and kiss him, it's a gentle peck and I slowly lean away and look at him, expecting him to open his eyes or to do something. I smiled, waiting but nothing happened.

The door suddenly opened and I looked up to see Dr. Whale and another woman. She had dark brown hair, it was in in loose curls and the darkest brown eyes that matched her skin and her hair. She looked quite young, and she wore a simple cream top and a red flowing skirt. She looked at me, with narrowed eyes. "Who are you?" Her voice was silky yet firm. "I could ask you the same question. I'm Emma Swan, Killian's girlfriend." I tell her.

She scoffs. "You must be mistaken for I am his lover, she says, looking at me as if examining me, not you." I freeze, gaping at her. "Who on Earth do you think you are? I am his girlfriend!" She looks at me, hatred filling her eyes. "My name is Milah, and I've known him for a long time." "Wait, you're Milah? As in Bae's mother?" I ask her. Her eyes widen and she staggers back. "What do you know of my son? What has become of him?" I look at her, slightly taken aback. "He died but was brought back, I don't know how."

She walks over to Killian. "What are you doing?" I ask her. "Taking back the family you stole from me, Emma Swan." She says, coldly. I look at her surprised. "I've never met you!" "But you took them from me. Now, I'll take them from you." She leaned down and kissed him. My heart shattered at the sight.

Specially when he woke up and smiled at her, with no memory of me. "Milah."

Ghosts of the pastTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon