Chapter Five - Kiss Me

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I ran to the docks at midnight, all my proof that Killian was my boyfriend in the bag that I was carrying. I was going to tell Killian the truth and show him and prove it to him. I would even hit Milah if that's what it took. I, being a sheriff, had lots of information on the whereabouts of people and right now, Milah was at Granny's while Killian was on his ship at the docks. This was my big chance to get him back. My big chance at getting the love that I had wanted for so long and the love that I, Emma Swan, deserved.

I wasn't letting anyone get in my way ever again. Not Neal, not my parents, not Rumplestilskin and certainly not Milah. No, Killian was MY boyfriend. I went as fast as I could and then I saw someone. Someone was following me. I turned around, gun in hand, ready to press the trigger if I had to. "Woah, Neal said with a grin on his face, chill Emma. It's me."

I didn't put my gun down. He had used magic before, I had magic now and the gun was only a defence. He was dangerous before with his knowledge and now he had magic too. Not only that, but if he had magic then there was a high possibility  of Milah having magic as well. Neal frowned slightly. "What happened to us, Emma? Weren't we happy? You said that you would think about being together again. You said that for us, don't deny it."

I shook my head, bewildered at his words. "No, I said, that maybe I would think about even being with someone. I could never be with you again after what happened. I didn't say it for us, Neal. There is no us. There just isn't. I said it for Henry, so that he could have a sort of father figure in his life." Neal glared at me now but I wasn't scared. I was determined. 

"If you didn't think that you would be with anyone then why are you with Hook?" He asked me. The nerve he has to ask me that question when he knows very well what happened!

"Now that's gone wrong, thanks to you." I snap. "Don't avoid the question, Emma." he tells me, his voice irritatingly calm. "Because he made me happy, and he liked Henry and Henry liked him. But then you had to do what you did and stop my happiness, all over again!" I shout, angrily. My fingers are shaking as I hold the trigger. He steps back and then disappears in a cloud of purple smoke. I sigh, I feel down but I'm going to Killian, still.

I carry on running till I'm there. I see him on the ship, gazing up at the stars and I step into the boat. "Um..Killian?" He jumps in surprise and smiles when he sees it's me. It sends my heart fluttering in my chest. "You're the girl who I saw before right? Emma?" He asks me and I nod, a small smile on my face. "Um, I start, you know when you said that you thought you knew me from somewhere?"

He looks at me curiously and nods. I gulp and speak again, even though my head is spinning and my mouth is dry. "T-that's because you did..." I mutter. His eyes widen and he looks at me closely. "Really? From where? The doctors said I was in a coma and don't remember much about all this time that has passed. But I feel as if I really know you. Were you my girlfriend or something?" he says the last part in a joking, teasing manner and I nod. "Yes, I was."


Time passes and he doesn't speak. "...Wait, what? I - seriously?" I nod and then I step closer and then I do something that I should have done instead of Milah. I kiss him.

A/N: Hey, my dear readers! ^-^ I have missed you and writing this! I was stuck for a while, not knowing what to write and then this scenario wouldn't leave me alone and I FINALLY found a way to write it! ^~^

I hope you enjoyed this, there was more CS in here and there's LOTS more in the next chapter which I will upload this week, that is an honest promise, I swear. It's all written and ready to be published and it WILL BE THIS WEEK. <3 

As an apology for A WHOLE MONTH WITHOUT UPDATES ( :(( ) My gift to you will be two chapters a week or one long one! Message me if you want me to add new things to this story and I will reply as soon as I get your message since I'm on here everyday at least for 3 hours!!

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