One Year Later

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"There you go." Willow smiled at the little blonde girl, sitting on the hospital bed in her office.

"Thank you!"

"You're very welcome."

"Am I done?" the little girl asked, glancing at the box of band-aids on the shelf.

"Yes but if you want I bet we could find a princess band-aid in that box, what about that?" Willow whispered, leaning over the grab the box, opening the case and holding it out for the little girl, who sifted around and held up the plaster she wanted. The little girl giggled as she watched Willow pull the plastic off the sides. "Cinderella, huh?" Golden pig tails shook furiously as the girl nodded. "Nice choice, this stay between us, got it?'

"Yes, ma'am."

"Alright, back to class." Willow helped the girl off the bed and opened the door.

"Guten tag." Kurt grinned. Willow shrieked, holding her hand over her heart to calm herself down. 

"Kurt! Hi, hey, goodness." Willow panted

"I didn't mean to scare you, meine liebe."

"You didn't mean to scare me by silently appearing behind me in my office?" she teased. Kurt shrugged. It had been a year since the night they spent together, talking in the yard and they hadn't been apart much since.

"More or less."


"Busy today?"

"Yea, I swear these kids are purposely getting themselves hurt. Do you need something?"

"Am I interrupting you?"


"Good. Here." he held out a rectangular planter filled with succulents and thin vines with flimsy looking buds.

"They're beautiful."

Kurt smiled, pleased with himself. As soon as Willow took the tray, the buds busted into blooms and she sat the tray on her desk. Kurt put his hands on her hips, smiling when he saw her wings fluttering.

"Do you like them?"

"I love them."

"I love you." he said quietly, tilting his head, happily leaning down to kiss his girlfriend's lips. She giggled when he pulled her closer and pulled her head back. Kurt lifted the cross on the rosary he gave Willow and smiled down at it. "I wonder every day what I've done in my life to deserve you. You, meine schönheit, are blessing from God." he truly believed this. There was entire planet of normal people for her to chose from and she chose him.

"Anyone would be lucky to have you, Kurt." she looked down.

"All the ladies love a blue, fuzzy guy." he joked, trying to get her to smile or look at him.

She felt she didn't deserve him. All her life, she'd been treated with hatred and cruelty and suddenly, there was Kurt who, quite literally, randomly appeared in her life and saved her. He was gentle and warm and kind and so loving. She'd never deserved decency in her life, she didn't deserve Kurt. 

 He curled one of his fingers under her chin and guided her back up. He kissed her softly. "You are a blessing, my love." he told her. She didn't know what to say so she kissed him.

"Thank you, Kurt."

"Of course." he watched her walked to her seat.

"Miss Avery..." Artie, a little brunette boy, knocked on the door.

"What can I do for you, Mister Artie?" She asked. He stepped with heavy feet to Willow, holding a slip of paper between his fingers. "Goodness..." she sighed. Artie was a favorite of Willow's. He often faked sick so he could come see her, she sent him right back to class, of course, but he was a sweet little boy and she played checkers with him in the library a lot. "A sore throat, Artie?" she eyed him.

"It really does hurt, Miss Avery."

"You aren't faking again, are you?" she asked suspiciously. He shook his head. "Alright, let's have a look." Kurt watched her help him onto the bed and smiled. "Open up, buddy."

Artie obeyed and stuck out his blue, forked tongue. Willow shined her small flashlight down in his mouth and sure enough saw that the back of throat was red, like he'd been coughing.

"Alright, Artie, I gotta ask. Have you been kissing any of your classmates?" she asked, when she turned around to throw her gloves in the trash bin, winking at Kurt when Artie couldn't see.

"Ew! No!" the little boy writhed on the bed.

"Are you telling the truth?"

"Trust me."

"Sorry, had to know. What class are you in?" she asked, putting her hands on the sides of his neck and applying gentle pressure.


 "What are you doing?"

"Just drawing."

"Promise?" he nodded. "Alright, Artie. You're good. But since you're just drawing and there's only ten minutes of the school day left, I think I can let you have the rest of the day off."

"Yes!" the boy pumped his fist in the air.

"Hey, if I catch you running around the halls today you're in big trouble, bub, got it?" she joked.

"Yes, ma'am."

"You still need to rest, alright?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Alright. Go on." she opened the door for him and he slipped out. Kurt couldn't help thinking about what kind of mother she'd be. A very good one, he suspected. Kurt sat in the chair across from Willow at her desk and watched the clock, waiting for the bell to ring. "Got a date?" she joked.

"Not yet."

"Then why are you watching the clock?" she laughed. Kurt didn't answer, just smiled when a loud buzzing sound rang and instantly children poured into the halls.

"Come on." Kurt grabbed her hand pulled her out of her office.

"Where are we going?" Willow yelled over the roar of students, cheering and laughing at the two of them.

"This way!" he ran through the path the student formed for them, dragging his girlfriend behind him.

"Kurt!" she squeaked.

"Quickly!" he shouted back. He stomped his feet on the ground in front of the kitchen door. She stood there, panting and wondering what on Earth was happening.

"Why couldn't you have just teleported us down here?" she breathed.

"Because that take away all the fun! Go in!" he put his hand between her wings and nudged her through the door while she was looking back at him.

A Heart Full of Love// Kurt WagnerWhere stories live. Discover now