Strawberry Cake

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 "Why are we in the kitchen, Kurt?"

"Maybe if you turn around you'll find out." Logan said. Slowly, she turned and saw her friends standing around the island. Rogue, Bobby, and Artie stood together on one side, smiling.

Hank McCoy, someone she'd met and become good friends with stood in his suit, looking at her with delight. "Hank!" she exclaimed. She didn't see him much but when she did there was always something going on. "What's happening?"

"Do you know what today is?" the Professor asked.

"March 23?"

"Yes. And what happened on this day a year ago?"

"I... I came here." she answered slowly, a smile growing on her face. "I've been here a whole year! How could I forget?" she cried.

"Oh, honey, it's alright." Storm comforted.

"No, no, I'm not sad. I'm so happy." she laughed, tears falling down her cheeks. "You remembered."

"Of course we did. How could we forget something like that?" she hugged her best friend. Willow's wings fluttered happily behind her as she went around the room, hugging the people she loved most.

"Hey, half pint." Logan greeted when she got to him. "I'm glad you're here." he whispered so no one else could here.

"Me too."

"Come on, get it over with, I want cake!" Artie begged. Everyone laughed and Storm handed out the strawberry cake.

 "This is amazing." Willow sighed, finishing the last of her cake. "I love you guys."

"We love you, kid." Logan spoke truthfully for everyone. It had only been a year, but in that time, the whole school had grown to love Willow. Everyone knew her name, and she knew everyone else's. They knew she was there to listen whenever needed, she was there for a hug or whatever anyone needed. She was kind and gentle and fun to be with. But most of all, Kurt had fallen in love with her. She was the center of his universe, the most important thing in his life. He'd walk backwards into damnation if it meant he could walk with her.

Kurt's stomach flipped when he looked at her and saw her laughing with Storm about something. His arm had been around her the whole time and she leaned into him often, which made him smile knowing he crossed her mind that often. Logan had been catching Kurt's nervous glances and returning half stern looks, which in turn made Kurt even more nervous. 

A Heart Full of Love// Kurt WagnerМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя