I'll Kill Him

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 "Kurt," Storm grabbed the blue man's shirt and pulled him back into Charles' office. "I think it would be better if you stayed here with me.

"My angel..." Kurt sounded like he was pleading wither.

"I know. But we just need to let the Professor do this thing, okay? Tell me what happened."

"We were having fun, I know it must sound odd, but we were laughing and smiling and all of a sudden she... stopped. She turned around and her face was almost... green, like she was going to be sick. That devil..." Kurt grew angry, baring his fangs and growling with deep breaths. "I'll kill him!" Kurt stood, his arrow-tipped tail flicking furiously behind him.

"No! Hey, no. She wouldn't want that, Willow wouldn't like that." Storm tired to calm Kurt. She'd never seen him so angry. She believed Kurt would kill the man and if she were forced to tell the truth, Storm would have said she wanted the man dead. She hated him for doing what he did to Willow. On nights when neither of them could sleep, Willow had told Storm things she didn't even tell Kurt. Terrible, awful things.

"Put her there," The professor put his hands on the sides of Willow's head when Logan placed her on the stainless steel table.

"What the hell happened to her?" 

 "Logan, she's spent her entire life fighting for survival, it's all she's ever known. Coming here was like walking out of a twenty three year war. She has come so far since her arrival. But even still, she was fragile, the smallest thing could have set her off. I knew that. I shouldn't have sent her out."

"Hey, can you do that some other time?" Logan snapped. "Is she going to be okay?"

"She'll be fine when she wakes up. Until then, I suggest you and Kurt stay with her. She'll be frightened when she wakes but she shouldn't seize again. Take care of her."

"What about that creep?"

"I'll send scouts to keep a look out. If he knows she's here, we may all be in danger. If he doesn't know she's here and this has been a coincidence, we still need him away from her as quickly as possible."

"He's not gonna touch her. I'll kill him."

"Please, do refrain from murder, Logan. There are many other ways these problems can be solved. Take her to her room and lay her down. Do not leave her."

"I won't." Logan assured him. "Hey, elf!" Logan shouted when he saw Kurt sitting in the floor in front of Willow and Storm's room. "Get the door, huh?"

Without hesitation, Kurt leapt to his feet and opened the wooden door. "My darling," he breathed as he watched Logan gently lie her limp body on the bed. "My poor angel."

"Hey," Logan groaned. "Enough of that, I'll puke if you keep it up." he shook his head. Logan didn't hate Kurt. He was glad that Willow had someone to love her the right way and treat her the way she deserved. He couldn't let Kurt know he was thankful for him though. Logan sat at her feet and Kurt knelt in the floor at her head with his hands clasped together, quietly praying. 

A Heart Full of Love// Kurt WagnerWhere stories live. Discover now