Stay On Your Side | Church x Dead!Reader

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"Stop yelling you, idiots."

You died, like, literally. Not in the way teenagers say it, "i just died lmao" you actually died. And it was Caboose's fault. How exactly? Well, my friend, he shot you with the sniper rifle that Tucker never gets. :)  

"Church, Chuuurch. I have come back with a warninngg." You said in the exact same ghost voice said man had used.

"AH!!! Who are you?" Tucker asked, holding his pistol up in fear.

"You dumbass. It's me. (L/N)."

"You're not (L/N). She's green." Caboose stated being his 'genius' self.

"I'm a fucking ghost. Have you ever seen a green ghost, Caboose?"

"Alright just say what you gotta say." Church snapped.

You rolled your eyes. "Church, Chuuurch. I have come back with a warrrning. Do not-"

"Do you have to use that stupid voice?" Tucker asked. "It's really annoying."

You sighed and continued with a normal voice. "Alright. So just don't let Agent Washington get involved with anything. And when I say anything I mean anything."

"Who the hell is Agent Washington?" Tucker asked.

"He's a Freelancer, like Tex. Except well, he's a worse fighter. Well, in hand-to-ha- actually. No. He just sucks." You stated bitterly, rolling your eyes at the end.

"Wait, how do you know him?" Church asked this time.

"Hey Tucker, you remember how I said I got a guy back home?"

"Yeah," Said man responded. "Why?"

"Well, Agent Washington is one of the reasons we had to break up. Let's simply say he ruined the relationship." You said narrowing your eyes at the end even though no one could see it.

"Oh, all right."

"Guys, I'm fading fast and I don't know when I'll come back. DONT LET WASH GET INTO ANYTHING. DONT EVEN LET HIM NEAR MY ROOM..." You faded away.

Church sighed. "We should probably listen to her. Hey, Tex!!"

"What?" Tex asked when she walked up to the trio.

"Do you know Agent Washington? He was a Freelancer."

"Yeah, I know the guy. He sucks at hand-to-hand combat. Why do you need to know?"

"Well, they're sending him over to help us.." Church started.

"Wait, wait. What about (L/N)? She knew him. Before all this happened."

"Yeah, that's kinda the thing. We need you to guard her room from him." Tucker finished for his friend.

"Oh, alright. I can do that." Tex simply said.

»Time skip of Wash's terrible hand-to-hand combat«

You walked over to the blue base in your new body. "EYYY! You dumbasses."

"(L/N)??!!" Church yelled and ran outside the base.

"Who else would yell 'EYYY'?"

"Caboose did it once and I almost killed him for it," Church mumbled, grinning under his helmet as you giggled.

"Sounds fun." You hummed.

"NICE LADY!!" Caboose yelled and ran outside tackling you into a hug.

"Caboose get the hell off of me."

"(Y/N)?" Someone asked. You recognized the voice but you couldn't remember who's it was...

Your eyes went wide. "D-David??"

"What? That's no David. That's Agent Washingtub." Caboose claimed, his childish voice full of confusion and you facepalmed.

You looked down and walked away. Back towards the bluff where Church died. You died there too. "YOU STILL HAVEN'T BURIED MY FUCKING BODY??!!" You yelled.

"Wait, she's dead?" Wash asked.

"Yeah, buddy," Church uttered and put a hand on his shoulder. "It's too bad that you broke her heart."

Wash's eyes went wide under the golden visor. "H-how do you..?"

"I have my ways," Church replied slyly.

After seeing your rotting corpse, you stormed back to the base and headed to your room. "What the fuck happened to my room."

"Shit.." Tucker and Tex mumbled.

You stormed back outside. "Why is my room no longer (F/C)?" You impatiently tapped your foot and put your hands on your hips.

"It's okay, (L/N), you can sleep in my room," Church replied smirking.

"Alright, but don't try any shit, fucker,"

»Time skip to night time«

You walked into Church's room, both of you somehow having your same bodies from before your deaths.

"Dude, where am I sleeping..?" You asked him raising an eyebrow.

"With me of course!" Church said, chuckling.


"I said with me, silly!"

"You sound like Caboose, and it's creeping me out." You muttered quietly and crawled into the bed next to him. Within a few moments of your head hitting the pillow, you passed out. Sneakily, Church wrapped his arms around your waist to pull your body closer to his own. After nuzzling into the crook of your neck, he promptly fell asleep. Hopefully, you wouldn't kill him in the morning.

Why am I here? HIATUSOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara