Quick Escalation - Tucker x Reader

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Ey, haven't done a Tucker one yet, I think.. Also I was in the Tucker kind of mood bc we have a student teacher in gym named Erika Tucker, lol I'm married to Lavernius? Since when? *laughs because I'm dumb* yeah enjoy this shit

You groaned as Church started yelling at Caboose for the fifth time since both of you guys' arrival.

"Did you just call my girlfriend a cow?" Church asked.

"Well shit." You mumbled. "Hey, Mikey!" You shouted to your brother.

"Yes, (N/N)?" Caboose asked and turned around.

"I brought a coloring book and some crayons!" You stated excitedly, you both loved coloring. It's basically how you two bonded.

"How childish..." You faintly heard Church say. You flipped him off as Caboose went inside first.

You hummed as you colored the picture of an animal, specifically your favorite one. "Wow, that's really pretty, (N/N)!!" Your twin told you and you grinned widely in response.

"Bow Chicka Bow Wow." You heard Tucker's perverted voice come from outside the room. You groaned internally at him.

"Excuse me for a moment, Michael." You said and stood up, the chair scraping loudly against the stone floor. Your brother ignored you and kept coloring, stopping every few seconds to take a sip of his orange juice or a bite out of his cookie.

You opened the door and Tucker fell, face first. Right. Between. Your. Breasts. You screamed and shoved him off, covering your chest with your arms and blushed furiously.

"Well, that was a nice view~" He had some blood dripping from his nose. 'Lol I guess that's what happens to me when I read/watch yaoi' You thought to yourself, smiling on the outside.

Suddenly whispering.

"She totally wants me.." Tucker said.

"Pfft, yeah right Tucker." Church responded. "She already has to take care of one idiot, she doesn't wanna take care of two." He stated, almost in a matter-of-fact manner.

"Well, maybe I do.." You whispered to yourself, well, you thought you whispered.

"SEE?!?! I TOLD YOU, DUDE!!" Tucker shouted and you slightly winced. He ran towards you and pecked your lips, you stood there in shock.

"Well that escalated quickly."

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