Jealous Campers-Bitters x Reader|modern au|

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You guys were going on a camping trip. Who? Damnitt, I said you guys!'s you and the four lieutenants. Tucker decided to tag along to for some unknown reason. AND since Tucker came, Carolina and Wash came which means Caboose came. Good Lord what even is this one-shot.

(focus you tard.)

You tapped your fingers against your other fingers since you were kinda squished between Palomo and Smith. You glanced at the rear view mirror and saw Bitters fuming. Jensen looked like she was about to explode too, I mean come on. You were practically inside of the seat, Palomo's hand on your leg. You were being touched on the leg by her crush. You sighed internally.

Clearing your throat, you said, "Hey, Ant, is there gonna be a rest stop soon? I kinda have to drain the dragon."

"What does that even mean?" Palomo asked.

"Dude, she has to pee." Bitters stated bluntly. "Anyway, yeah, there's one in a few minutes. Actually, it's our destination." Your eyes widened slightly.

~~~~~~Time skip to after you pee and set everything up and shiz~~~~~~

"We finally set this bullshit up, huh," You mumbled and wiped a bit of sweat from your brow. 

"Yeah," Jensen whispered. "Hey, (Y/N)?"


"You're not trying to get him, right?"

"What? Charlie? Hell no, he's yours, Katie." She blushed furiously 

"So how're you and Antoine going, (Y/N)?" Carolina asked from behind you and Jensen, both of you jumping. 

"I-uh-we-um..." You stuttered, blushing even deeper than Jensen had.

"Hey, ladies, if any of ya' get scared while the night goes on come join me.~" Tucker called from the door of the tent while you, Jensen and Carolina set up your sleeping bags.

"Get the hell out, Lavernius," You growled, flustered expression leaving your face.

You hummed as you grabbed your last thing from the car, the last thing in the car, and closed the trunk with a loud "bang." You sighed as you adjusted your grip on the luggage-like bag. As you walked back to your tent someone wolf-whistled, most likely Tucker, at your unruly appearance which was a (F/C) tank top and black sweatpants and on your feet were a pair of flip-flops. 

"Take yourself, and fuck yourself, with yourself." You shouted at the person. 

"THAT'S MY LINE!!!!" Palomo yelled from far away, thus proving your point that it was Tucker who wolf-whistled. 

You placed your bag on the ground behind your pillows and huffed in annoyance. Carolina stared at your in confusion as she looked up from her book, Jensen not hearing you since she was listening to music.

"What's wrong with you?" Carolina asked.

"Well, Lina, I can literally never talk to him without getting hella nervous.." She hummed and rubbed her chin, as if she had a beard and pointed up. You, thinking she wanted you do look, craned you neck and looked at the ceiling of the tent. She facepalmed and snapped her fingers, getting your attention. 

"Make him talk to you, (Y/N)."


"I dunno.

"That helps SO much, Lina." Sarcasm noted.

You sighed as you toasted your marshmallows over the warm fire as it crackled and popped. 

"Heyyyyy, (Y/N)~~" Tucker cooed and put his arm around your shoulder, you pushed his arm off of you and scooted over on the log, Tucker following after you. "Aw, come on. Don't be a sourpuss."

"I don't, I repeat don't, wanna sleep with you, Lavernius Tucker. I have another guy in mind," You mumbled the last part quietly, hoping he wouldn't notice. Alas, to further the story line, he did.

"OOOOHHH~~ Who is it, (Y/N)??" Tucker inquired, obviously interested in the topic of your love interest. 

"I-uh...." You stuttered and Bitters had a look of pain on his face that hurt your heart so badly. "...he's here, but I'm saying his name.." You had slight tears in your eyes and ran for your tent. 

Someone opened the door to your tent and you snuggled your head deeper into your arms. The person sat down next to you, wrapping their arm around your shoulder in comfort. You sniffled and looked up at the person, seeing Bitters holding you.

"Hey, you okay? I mean, its not that I care or anything..." He mumbled. You felt yourself smile slightly at his stubborn, "I do what I want" attitude.

"I'm fine.." You sniffled afterwards and blushed at the close proximity of you and Bitters. "U-Um, Ant, I have something to tell you..."

"Tell me, I guess."

"I love you, Antoine Bitters." You whispered and his eyes widened slightly. 

"I love you too, (Y/N) (L/N)." He mumbled quietly.

You grinned. "Were you jealous of Charlie and Lavern'?" 

"No.." He denied, but you could tell he was lying. You placed a chaste kiss on his cheek and laid down, considering how dark it was outside. He got up silently and went to the tent's door. "Night, (Y/N)."

"Night, Ant."

this took me so long to type jfc 809 words up there oh wow now even more; 826

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