Rain Rain Go Away | Grif

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Staring outside the window, you huffed in annoyance. Stupid random rain. Stupid Sarge. Let me explain the situation for you guys, it was nicely sunny and hot - the usual for Blood Gulch - when it suddenly started pouring rain. You love rain! But none of the other members of the Red Team seem to agree. Why the hell were they so protective over you? You've had more military experience than any of them, in all honesty. Or they didn't want you to get sick. Probably the latter, but you put that thought behind you as you sighed again. Taking note of Grif entering the room, you continued with your plans of escape into the sopping wet canyon.

"What's your problem?" The Hawaiian inquired, sitting on the couch beside you.

"Take a hint, genius. I want to go outside," you whined and turned to him, head resting on your elbow.

"Look, L/N, I'm sorry, but if we let you out you'll get sick and then everyone else will get sick." He gently scratched his pale cheek - Simmons' cheek.

"Oh no, what a tragedy," came your sarcastic reply. The brunet rolled his eyes and stood up, walking into the kitchen. Quickly standing up, you made a break for the door. You were nearly there until you were tackled by someone of a heavy weight.

"Where do you think you're going?" Growling in annoyance at that recognizable voice of Grif's, he stood up and offered you a hand. You firmly gripped it and pushed him over once you were up and once again made a run for it.

"Y/N!" Grif shouted as you chuckled evilly. Nervously glancing back, you saw he was actually rather close behind you.

"Didn't think you knew how to run, Dexter!" You joked while narrowly avoiding tripping over a rock.

You ran until you saw the bluff where Church had died earlier on. You heaved a breathy laugh, slightly yelping when Grif gripped you tightly.

"We said-said not to come out-out here, you lit-little shit." He growled quietly, stuttering from the cold wind and water pelting his large frame.

The both of you shivered while standing there. "You know-you know that we can just huddle-huddle together for warmth, right?" The yellow-orange armored soldier gently hugged you, and you hugged him.


Watching as his two fellow reds hugged in the chilled air, Donut let out a soft "aw" at the sight. The two having impeccable hearing, turned to where the pink soldier watched them.

"Dude, are you- are you serious? Get us an umbrell- umbrella and shit!" The blond nodded and quickly ran off, slipping slightly on the muddy ground.

»Grif (sorry for so many changes aaaa)«

Once Donut left the area, Grif pulled you closer and gently pecked your cheek.

"L-L/N?" He stuttered ever so slightly.

"Y-yes?" You asked and turned, your face flushed a bright red.

"I- Uh, well, I lo-" A copper taste exfoliated from his throat and he... He puked. All over you. At least he thought he did.


You jolted up before Grif puked on you. "DAMNITT GRIF!! YOU RUINED THE FUCKING MOMENT WITH YOUR PUKING!!" You shouted at the Hawaiian that was still sitting in his puke. You sighed and helped the man up.

"Sorry..." He muttered and wiped his mouth.

"Hey, the rain let up. We can go back to base. We'll continue there. Y'know, arguing." You laughed quietly, tracing the slightly chubby man's jaw line. He immediately became a dark red. You chuckled again and walked back to base leaving the blushing Grif behind in the bluff.

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