Chapter 93

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"Are you alright?" Harry asked as I stormed in the house. I took advantage that only his car was parked.

"Aiden was in the hospital because of me," I said with teary eyes and I knew this could cause problems with Harry, he could get the wrong idea. Again. "He almost died"

"Are you really coming to cry to me?" He hissed.

"It was my fault Harry! Because I chose you instead of him! He wanted to die"

"And why does this affect you so fucken much Olivia?" He yelled.

"Because it was my fault, I feel so guilty and awful" I shut my eyes to keep myself from seeing his angered face "He told me to my face that it was because of me"

"Why are crying to me? To show me yet again that you prefer him? That you choose him over me?"

"I came here because you're supposed to be my boyfriend! You're supposed to be there if I need it, but I can see you're choosing not to"

"I'll be there for anything except Aiden, if he hurts you this much go to him because I'm sure he'd be the perfect boyfriend" he looked at me dead in the eyes.

"I can't believe to this day you can't figure out that I don't want perfect, I just want someone that makes me happy"

"You make it so damn hard"

"Sometimes I wish I could have fallen for Aiden" I whispered but I knew he had heard me.

"Too late, I'm too attached to you as you are to me. Even if you try, this isn't going anywhere"

"Sometimes I ask myself if that feeling is worth everything else" I started my way out the door but I stopped when I heard his feet behind me, I was turned around by him to have him kiss me on the lips.

I do question myself if my love for him is worth losing friends, the bond with my mum, my calm life but I can't deny that every time he kisses me I am convinced it is. I felt his hand on my face, his thumb moved slowly to dry some short tears, my eyes shut completely as I wrapped my arms around his torso. He was right, I'm too attached to him. My biggest fear has happened, I'm so infatuated with him that if we ever split I wouldn't be able contain myself. I wouldn't be able to handle it, if he ever let me down I wouldn't be able to handle the feeling. His kisses enchanted me, if I end up being one of those girls that he drops I would lose it, because I would've loved him truthfully. My attempts to stay away always failed because deep down I never stood away from him, while he wasn't in my presence he was in my thoughts and while he wasn't in my thoughts he was in my presence. I was never able to stay away. Never.

"Now you tell me if it's worth it" he said putting his hands on my shoulders "I'll see you tomorrow, I'll pick you up at 8:00" he planted a kiss to my jaw.

"What have you done to me?" I shut my eyes and spoke quietly.

"The same as you've done to me" he sighed "I know I'm a dick but you just need to know that whatever you feel, I feel it as well. I might even feel it twice as hard, if I ever lost you I can't tell you what I'd do. If I ever lost you I'd go crazy. I'd hate myself if it ever was because of me that I lose you" he kissed my temple.

I shut my eye to stop small tears "I have to go" I walked away. The way he shows his love so odd it could tire anyone out. I question myself sometimes why I take it all but then I remember that without him, I'd go crazy as well.

Entering the apartment I thought I would only see Christine home but she wasn't alone, Samara was with her and Samara quickly caught up to me. "Are you okay?"

"I'll live" I smiled a little. "You didn't have to come"

"Yes I did! How about we change your mind by going out to buy our prom dresses!" She smiled in a very perky way to me.

"I haven't even thought of that," of course! I am after all going to need a dress. The only problem is I'm down to the last of my money, I used most to buy the best dress for graduation. I really need a job, urgently. "I don't even know what style I want or what hairstyle I want or anything"

"Where have you been girl? That gets planned weeks before" Samara said and Christine laughed.

"A couple weeks ago I didn't even know I was going" I sighed. I'm surprised that to this point Christine hasn't asked who my date is, I'm glad, I don't need more anger from her by telling her that I'm going with Harry. "I don't even think I have the money, we do pay bills"

"Are you kidding me? My dad owes me a birthday present and I asked for two amazing prom dresses"

"Bless you" I smiled slightly at her. "But Samara I can't take that."

"I never asked. I'm telling you that you're going to take it" she smiled and dragged me outside. The drive to the prom store was full of her rambling on and on. It wasn't until now that I realized we worry about complete opposite things.

Samara tends to worry about Liam, her dress not fitting her properly, gaining weight in the matter of fourth eight hours and not fitting into her dress, Liam getting sick and having to go to prom as a solo, her hair messing up before she even steps foot in the school, and, getting a bad prom queen.

Where I'm worried for just one thing and one thing only. Just how normal can Harry and I look? With two people who drool over us probably attending. I know for a fact Aiden will be going even if he has to drag his limo body and Rosie is a shoe in for prom queen she wouldn't miss this for anything in the world especially to drag it in everyone's face that she's the queen and everybody is below her.

Walking into the store Samara and the lady were chirping away telling each other what different colors and styles would suit different body types and blah, blah, blah.

I wasn't interested so I strolled around the store trying to find the most cheapest dress. I landed eye on a flouncy white strapless dress, there wasn't anything special about it but it was pretty inexpensive so that's all that mattered, I had wanted my dress to be mint but this will do.

"How about this?" I asked over the conversation and Samara faced me, she gave me a frown. "What?" I asked as the lady gave me the same frown.

"That dress will totally hide your curves, you're more petite but with curve to your body, that will hide them" the lady said, it was at first I realized she had a rich French accent and just talking to her made me feel like I was talking to somebody rich for some idiotic reason.

"And white gets dirty way to easy" Samara said. Suddenly her eyes lit up and I followed her gaze. "This is the dress for you!"

She pulled out a long dress that was a more green mint with silver designs on the bust. "Mint will look great on you and it's the color you want!"

We exchanged dresses, the beautiful dress felt so weird on my limo arms. This dress was gorgeous but it was also double the amount the white one was which means this dress is very expensive. I sighed and went to try it on, it fit like a glove and I took a look at myself before even going out, I love it so much but I couldn't expect Samara to pay for this, it's way too much.

"That's the one! Don't even try on another one because it won't do this dress justice!" Samara perked up.

"Isn't it too expensive?" I asked.

"It's prom shouldn't you want to spend a lot on your dress?" The lady asked as she handed Samara a lilac dress for her.

"Not when you're jobless and have to pay bills" I said under my breath but she heard me. She suddenly perked up.

"Oh my god!" She in a s rushed voice that startled me. "I've been looking for someone to hire part time!" She smiled.

I suddenly perked my ears up. I lifted the dress up a little to walk closer to the lady.

"I want young but not too younger 18 is as young as I'll accept"

"I am 18" I smiled.

"I can't guarantee anything, take an application and we'll talk" she said but deep down I could tell she was glad she found someone to apply. I smiled, I have a potential job. I have a perfect dress thanks to Samara. And now all I can hope for is that Harry doesn't change how wonderful my life feels right now. But I want to reassure myself that those things won't happen.

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